Motivations… … For Serving God
Two General Motivations! 1. Fear Of Punishment 2. Hope Of Reward 3. Both Of The Above
Christianity Can Be Difficult Matt. 11:28 indicates that Christianity is not difficult (compared to the life of sin cp. Prov. 13:15) Not easy all the time (II Corinthians 11:21)
Motive: Habit or Tradition “Habit” defined: a way of acting that has become nearly involuntary Also suggests we are in our “comfort zone” Cease to evaluate why we are doing something Accept things, as we always have, without question
Good Habits Okay I Corinthians 15:33 “…evil company corrupts good ‘manners’…” NKJV uses “habits,” inferring that good manners are to be cultivated and protected
Motive: Personal Attention Phil. 2:3-4 Diotrephes (III Jno. 9) desired preeminence, and resisted the truth being taught Was apparently a man of prominence in the congregation A common problem in the religious world and possible in the Church!?
Motive: Physical, Emotional, Financial or Social Support A recommendation by many counselors A church family a welcome sight when moving to a new area So many needs can be met in emergencies by fellow Christians Should not be the main motivation for our faithful service
Motive: Thankfulness and Love James 1:17 Ps. 136 “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good…” The material blessings and opportunities for us in this community are unmatched by anything in history The blessings of family and friends in this building are unmatched
Motive: Sorrow or Mourning All are touched by it if they live long enough Consider Christ’s visit to Mary and Martha when Lazarus died (John 11:35) Christ’s compassion for their sorrow His own sorrow Compare the sorrow the cross would bring to his loved ones (Jno. 19:25)
Motive: Fear or Worry (Physical) The Need For God’s Help Potential for sorrow Sickness Raising children Our financial future Church unity Phillipians 4:4-7 The peace of God!
Motive: Fearing God (Reverence) The “All Seeing Eye!” No where to hide from God (Remember Jonah) Romans 11:22 “Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God…” Very motivating to consider the power of God to use for our benefit or for our con- demnation
Motive: Pain Relief or Physical Redemption Revelation 14:13 “…that they may rest from their labors.” Phil. 1:23 Paul looked forward to resting (consider his trials in II Cor )
Motive: A Home in Heaven John 14:1-4 Christ was going to prepare a place for us! Rev. 21:1-5 A new earth with none of the earthly concerns we find so familiar! What more MOTIVATION do we need?!
Are You Motivated To Obey? HearBelieveConfessRepent Be Baptized Keep His Commandments Rom. 10:14 I Jno 3:23-24 Romans 10:9 Acts 2:38 I John 3:24