Happiness Associate Professor of Journalism PAU 09814612004 Renuka Sarabjeet Singh Associate Professor of Journalism PAU 09814612004 singh.renukass@gmail.com
Happiness? not illusion, all have felt it a condition we all aspire to Contentment not being pained in body or troubled in mind. when what we think, say, and do are in harmony.
Universal Human Aspirations… Happiness ? Prosperity ?
Happier Ancients or We? how happy they were in their lives and in their work. Any correlation between happiness and prosperity ?
Who is happier? who has braved the storm of life and lived or who has stayed securely, merely existed Remember --- No one is immune to accident, illness, natural disaster or the sudden loss of livelihood.
Rules for Happiness: reasons for unhappiness something to do someone to love something to hope for
How to find … try to cheer someone else up in doing, not merely possessing in seeking for others, we find it for our self
Happiness depends upon… ourselves value our self fight for our happiness
Happiness keys… bad memory acceptance plan actions not results state of activity
5 steps … Give, do something nice for a friend/ stranger Thank someone. Smile Volunteer your time Join a community group
not something ready made Is it ready made? not something ready made It comes from our own actions.
Are you really strong? Nothing can disturb your happiness. Promise Yourself To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
Real source of happiness… Prabhu, Parmatma, All Pervading GOD
Money v/s Happiness… Money has never made man happy nor it will there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants.
No one has a right to consume happiness without producing it. Right to happiness? Produce Happiness No one has a right to consume happiness without producing it.
summit of happiness… ready to be what You are
matter for statistical accounting? measurable dimension? No, can only be experienced at individual level. Collective unhappiness is easy to chart, but happiness won’t aggregate: the greatest good of the greatest number does not necessarily amount to it. not visible to direct scrutiny; the more you try to focus on it, the more vague it becomes.
just as happy as we make up our minds to be Extent of happiness? just as happy as we make up our minds to be
Still not happy when… chief sources of human unhappiness – large-scale social injustice, famine, plague and other diseases, the near- certainty of an early death – have largely been removed from our lives?
At last… buying things doesn't make anyone happy. losing our self-preoccupation is important, focus on something else. People dedicated to something other than themselves- helping family and friends, or a political cause, or others less fortunate than they- are the most happiest people.
Still at last… Trials keep us Strong, Sorrow keeps us Human, Failure keeps us humble Success keeps us glowing, Happiness keeps us Sweet, But only Faith & Attitude Keeps us going.