UNIT 2 WEEK 5 “All Hail King George!” “Lessons From A Quilt”
READ THE PASSAGE “ALL HAIL KING GEORGE READ THE PASSAGE “ALL HAIL KING GEORGE!” BEFORE ANSWERING NUMBERS 1 THROUGH 10. Now answer Numbers 1 through 10. Base your answers on “All Hail King George!”
1. WHAT IS THE THEME OF THIS PASSAGE? A. To be a good leader, listen to people’s ideas. B. Treat people nicely so they will do what you want. C. Let people vote on decisions so they do not need a leader. D. Tell people what to do so they do not make their own decisions.
2. READ THIS SENTENCE FROM THE PASSAGE. The many flaps of his black hat danced cheerfully as he moved his head. Why does the author make the hat seem human? F. to show what the hat looks like G. to match Grant’s happy personality H. to show the hat has a mind of its own I. to show why George does not like the hat
3. READ THIS SENTENCE FROM THE PASSAGE. I wanted to show that the Declaration of Independence is a living, breathing document, as relevant today as it was when it was signed. Why is the narrator comparing the Declaration of Independence to a person? A. to show the reader that the Declaration needs to change B. to help the reader understand what the Declaration means C. to show that the Declaration is still important and useful today D. to explain why the Declaration has changed since it was signed
4. HOW DOES THE ACTORS’ POEM SUPPORT THE THEME OF THE STORY? F. It shows that the actors think of George as a kind king. G. It shows that the actors no longer want to be in George’s play. H. It shows that the actors are unhappy because George does not listen to their ideas. I. It shows that the actors have come up with an affectionate nickname for George.
5. READ THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE FROM THE PASSAGE. “Why doesn’t anyone understand that this play is not a democracy?” I yelled in frustration. Which word has a connotation most similar to frustration? A. anger B. annoyance C. sorrow D. surprise
6. READ THIS SENTENCE FROM THE PASSAGE. The skies darkened to a deep gray, while the wind picked up and thunder approached with an angry grumble. Why does the author make the thunder seem human? F. to show how George is feeling G. to explain why George is upset H. to foreshadow George’s reaction I. to show that the storm is powerful
A. why George feels so strongly about the play. 7. BY TELLING THE STORY FROM GEORGE’S POINT OF VIEW, THE AUTHOR HELPS THE READER BETTER UNDERSTAND A. why George feels so strongly about the play. B. why George is writing and directing the play. C. why the actors decide to teach George a lesson. D. why the actors want to change one of the scenes.
8. READ THIS SENTENCE FROM THE PASSAGE. The words on the page pointed a finger right at me. What does the personification in the sentence above mean? F. George is angry with the actors. G. George has a new idea for the play. H. George realizes that he has been wrong. I. George believes he has been misunderstood.
9. WHAT CENTRAL MESSAGE DOES THE AUTHOR WANT TO GIVE THE READER? A. Leaders should take a vote for every decision they make. B. Writing and directing a play can be difficult, but worthwhile. C. At times, it is more important to take direction from a leader. D. The Declaration of Independence is still important today.
F. “All hail King George!” G. “He has a point about the hat, though.” 10. WHICH QUOTATION FROM THE PASSAGE BEST SHOWS THE LESSON GEORGE LEARNS? F. “All hail King George!” G. “He has a point about the hat, though.” H. “Well, I guess I did get a little carried away with the directing.” I. “It’s your responsibility to do what I say because I’m the director!”
READ THE PASSAGE “LESSONS FROM A QUILT” BEFORE ANSWERING NUMBERS 11 THROUGH 20. Now answer Numbers 11 through 20. Base your answers on “Lessons from a Quilt.”
11. WHAT IS THE THEME OF THE PASSAGE? A. If you want a job done correctly, you must do it yourself. B. You should never try to carry out big projects on your own. C. If you want a problem solved, you must try to solve it yourself. D. You can accomplish more working with others than working alone.
12. READ THIS SENTENCE FROM THE PASSAGE. The steps of Julia’s old favorite jungle gym sagged inward like frown lines on a sad, sad face. Why is the author comparing the jungle gym steps to a frown? F. to show how deeply the steps are sagging G. to suggest that the steps remind Julia of a face H. to suggest that the steps are a depressing sight I. to show how the steps came to be in bad shape
13. WHICH WORD FROM THE PASSAGE HAS A NEGATIVE CONNOTATION? A. breathless B. budget C. comforted D. scraggly
14. WHICH PARAGRAPH BEST EXPLAINS THE PASSAGE’S THEME? F. paragraph 8, page 114 G. paragraph 4, page 114 H. paragraph 7, page 115 I. paragraph 3, page 115
15. READ THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE FROM THE PASSAGE. She could picture the neighborhood children at the park, watering the thirsty ground and pulling weeds while their parents repaired the equipment. What does the personification in the sentence above mean? A. The weeds are thriving. B. The children are thirsty. C. The ground is very dry. D. The grass is being watered.
16. WHICH SENTENCE FROM THE PASSAGE BEST TELLS THE AUTHOR’S MESSAGE? F. “Granny made this quilt, but she didn’t do it all alone.” G. “Nobody’s going to fix the problem for you if you don’t try first!” H. “I think Granny might have a little more to say about this problem,” he said. I. “Well,” he continued, “back before people had sewing machines, making a quilt was too much work for just one person.”
17. READ THIS SENTENCE FROM THE PASSAGE. The only cheerful sight on the playground was a single sunflower pushing its face up through the weeds, as if to say that all hope was not lost. What mood does the author create by using personification in the sentence above? A. despairing B. encouraging C. happy D. worried
18. READ THIS EXCERPT FROM THE PASSAGE. “I want to follow Granny’s advice and fix it myself, but I don’t know anything about repairing swing sets and jungle gyms. Even if I did, it would take me years.” How does the excerpt above support the theme? F. It shows the obstacles Julia needs to overcome. G. It shows that Julia cannot achieve her goal alone. H. It shows that Granny’s advice is important to Julia. I. It shows the trouble Julia has with Granny’s advice.
19. HOW DOES JULIA FEEL AT THE END OF THE PASSAGE? A. discouraged B. hopeful C. impatient D. satisfied
20. READ THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE FROM THE PASSAGE. Smiling, Julia snuggled into the warm embrace of the quilt. Why does the author compare the quilt with a hug? F. to show the reader that the quilt is comfortable G. to explain to the reader why Julia likes the quilt H. to tell the reader the quilt makes Julia feel loved I. to help the reader picture what the quilt looks like
ESSAY Explain how the theme is conveyed in “All Hail King George!” and in “Lessons from a Quilt.” How do the events in each passage’s plot support and envelop the theme? Include accurate, explicit text evidence from both passages that helps convey the theme.