Lord Jesus, we gather before you today, just as we are. Be among us, drawing us into your presence, in the silence of this time. Opening Prayer
Let us prepare ourselves to receive the Word of God
Let us prepare ourselves to receive the Word of God Christ be in my thoughts. Christ be on my lips. Christ be in my heart.
Let us prepare ourselves to receive the Word of God Prepare a way for the Lord, Make His paths straight.
Let us prepare ourselves to receive the Word of God This is the Gospel of the Lord. Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ.
Christian I am a Can people tell by the way I live?
In the silence that follows, reflect on your own life…
Ask yourself …
Is my life a worthy life?
Have I wandered off the path?
I treat … Am I happy with the way othersmy parents my brothers and sisters friends fellow students strangers GOD? teachers
With whom reconciled? do I need to be
Think about one area of your life you will work on during Advent.
Prayer of Sorrow For my spiteful words, For my vicious acts, Come Lord Jesus change my heart. For my vengeful feelings, For my selfish ways, Come Lord Jesus change my heart.
Prayer of Sorrow For my angry moments, For my jealous tendencies, Come Lord Jesus change my heart. For my critical voice, For my abuse of others, Come Lord Jesus change my heart.
Prayer of Sorrow For my thoughtless remarks, For my harmful choices, Come Lord Jesus change my heart.
Concluding Prayer Lord Jesus, Thank you for your gift of forgiveness. Give us courage to admit our wrongs. Guide us this Advent to seek reconciliation with those we have hurt. Amen.