ADD TO PATIENCE – GODLINESS Introduction: A. II Pet. 1:6. Godliness is another building block of Christian character. We are incomplete without it. B. We can better understand what godliness is by first considering what ungodliness is. Ungodliness denotes an attitude of impurity and rebellion. Count the word ungodly in Jude
C. Godliness, on the other hand is an attitude which results in an acceptable relationship with God. In this lesson, we will not only define, but give examples of godliness and show why it is profitable. I. WHAT IS GODLINESS? A. It means to be genuinely sincere toward God (“godly sincerity” – II Cor. 1:12) as opposed to pretended sincerity – Col. 3:23.
B. To be holy and devout, living close to God; devoting our lives to holy living: Called to holiness – I Thess. 4:7; and a new man is characterized by holiness – Eph. 4:24 C. To fear and respect God – II Cor. 7:1; Heb. 12:28 D. To have sorrow toward God (“godly sorrow” – II Cor. 7:10) when we sin, as opposed to worldly sorrow.
E. It “denotes that piety which, characterized by a Godward attitude, does that which is well pleasing to Him.” (Vine) F. Since God has given us “all that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him that called us” – II Pet. 1:3 1. We can learn everything we need to know about godliness through the teachings of Christ.
2. Let us, therefore go to the scriptures and find out what they teach about godliness. II. BIBLE EXAMPLES OF GODLINESS: A. Enoch “walked with God” – Gen. 5: He must have lived close to God. Heb. 11:5 2. God took him so that he did not die like other men.
B. Lot, though he made a poor choice in selecting a place to live and bring up his children, was a godly man. 1. He did not approve of, nor partake of, the ungodliness of Sodom. 2. He was vexed with the filthy conversation (life) of the wicked” – II Pet. 2: The Lord “delivered him from the destruction of the wicked.
C. John the baptist “was a just man and holy” – Mark 6:20 1. Devout, true to God – Matt. 11: Respected by the king and complimented by Jesus Christ. D. Cornelius – Acts 10:1, 2. He was devout man, and one that feared God,” even though not yet a Christian. 1. Godliness alone does not save, but one cannot be saved without it.
2. His godly attitude caused him to say to Peter: (Acts 10:33). Thus he showed his respect for God’s requirements. 3. His godly attitude caused him to obey God’s command through Peter, and be saved – Acts 10:47, 48; 11: He was the first Gentile converted to Christ after the cross.
III. GODLINESS IS PROFITABLE: A. Just as it was in the lives of Enoch, Lot, John and Cornelius, it is also with us. B. Great gain if attended by contentment. I Tim. 6:6. C. Profitable in the “life that now is! I Tim. 4:7, 8 1. Often pays materially – Luke 6:18; II Cor. 9:6-10; Psa. 37:25; Matt. 6:33
2. Often pays physically, Practice of godliness promotes good physical health and longer life. II Pet. 3:10-12 Eph. 6: Often pays mentally. Peace (Phil. 4:6- 7; happiness- John 13:17; Contentment (I Tim. 6:6), freedom from anxiety. Matt. 6:25-33 are results of true piety, and these are virtues of a sound mind.
4. Often pays socially. Practice of godliness gives a good name (Prov.22:1), though Paul says it sometimes brings persecution. (II Tim. 3:12). 5. It always pays spiritually by providing us with God’s “precious promises” II Pet. 1:3, 4, and heavenly treasures – Matt. 6:19, 20 D. Profitable in the life “which is to come” I Tim. 4:7, 8; Rom. 2:7
Conclusion: A. It is not enough merely to “profess godliness and deny the power thereof” II Tim. 3:5, Such is hypocrisy! B. No man can see God without this characteristic – Heb. 12:14. `