National Lutheran Schools Week 2007
L: We come in worship to God All: In our need and bringing with us the needs of the world L: We come to God who comes to us in Jesus All: And who knows by experience what human life is like L: We come with our faith and with our doubts All: We come with our hopes and with our fears L: We come as we are, because it is God who invites us to come All: And God has promised never to turn us away
L: In the beginning, God made the world, light and dark, shape and void, height and depth, to tell of his love All: And God says it is good. L: In land and sea, in plant and seed, in growth and decay, God’s love is shown All: And God says it is good. L: In creatures great and small in movement and stillness, in birth and death, God’s love is shown All: And God says it is good
L: In woman and man, in joy and sorrow, in laughter and tears, God’s love is show All: And God says it is good. L: In the gift of life, in signs of hope, in the children we are given All: God’s love is shown L: So let us celebrate and give thanks for the gift of these children All: With God we say, ‘It is good’ L: Jesus said: Let the children come to me, do not try to stop them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
L: God our maker, We praise you for your creation, and especially for life new and renewed. We rejoice and thank you for the life of these children.
To parents/carers L: Will you, with God’s help, strive to share your love, faith, wisdom and understanding with your child and make a home where all may learn to live in love, hope, peace and justice? Parents/carers: We will To staff and teachers L: Will you who form the school community of love and hope in which these children will learn and grow, keep these children in your prayers and give an example of faith, hope and love to them all, with God’s help? Staff and teachers: We will
Blessing for children by parents, staff and teachers May God’s joy be in your heart and God’s love surround your living. Each day and night and wherever you roam. May you know God’s presence. In growing and learning, in joy and sorrow, in friendship, In solitude, in beginnings and endings May God keep you and bless you All the days of your life.
Lighting of candles The bright light of God’s guarding be with you The bright light of Christ’s love be with you The bright light of the Spirit’s presence surround and enfold you All the days and nights of your life. Amen (Note to teachers Have three candles surrounding a taller centre candle, that represents the light of life given to each child/young person. As each candle is lit the above words can be said.)
Blessing L: Making us, shaping us All: Blessing us, trusting us L: Leading us, disturbing us All: Empowering id, loving us L: God of our childhood All: God of our growing L: Stay with us on our journey All: And bring us safely home