The Scarlet Letter Vocabulary. SORROW/ PENITENCE SORROW- deep distress, sadness, or regret especially for the loss of someone or something loved PENITENCE-


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Presentation transcript:

The Scarlet Letter Vocabulary

SORROW/ PENITENCE SORROW- deep distress, sadness, or regret especially for the loss of someone or something loved PENITENCE- sorrow for sins or faults NOUN EX: The woman was filled with sorrow after the loss of her dog. EX: The thieves felt penitent after stealing the priceless painting

Repentance/ Preternatural Repentance-In religious contexts it usually refers to confession to God, ceasing sin against God, and resolving to live according to religious law Preternatural- that which appears outside or beyond the natural. Ex: Supernatural The man asked for repentance for the horrible sins he committed.

Revenge/ Sin Revenge: to get back at someone who harmed you. NOUN Sin: a transgression of divine law NOUN Revenge In Religion: The vengeance and wrath of God are dispensed in various ways: through the instrumentality of political government; at the hands of the devil; by illness, hunger, and pestilence; by fire and water; by war, enmity, disgrace; and by every possible kind of misfortune on earth. There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness. –Josh Billings

Remorse/Contrition Remorse: moral guilt from repented past deeds. Feeling bad for something, even after you've apologized. Usually the person feels bad because he was caught. Ex: Buyer’s remorse is when one feels guilt after buying an item that is normally expensive or unneeded. Contrition: sorrow because one offended God OH NO!

Atonement/ Penance Atonement-satisfaction or reparations for a wrong doing. Ex: The convict searched for atonement by doing community service. Penance-remorse for your past conduct

How are Penitence and Penance Different? Penance is what you do. Penitent is what you are. Penitence is the state of being penitent. Penance, for example, is when you give money to charity because you are sorry for stealing. Penitence is the state of being penitent. ?

Difference between Repentance and Remorse? “There is a difference between repentance and remorse. Repentance involves not only acknowledging that one has gone the wrong way but that one has sinned against and offended an holy God with the result that that person turns and walks righteously before God. Remorse is merely being sorry — usually more sorry about being caught or being punished rather than a sorrow for having violated God's commands.” –William Paul.