Overview of Integrum applications: from sociolinguistic tasks to mnemonics (Unity Day in Russia) Integrum Databases – New Tools for Russian and Post- Soviet Studies Seminar Aleksanteri Institute 7 December 2011, 11:10-11:30 Galina Nikiporets-Takigawa (University of Cambridge)
Plan of the Presentation Sociolinguistics tasks: Negotiating Language Politics and Language Norms in Post-Soviet Russia (slides 5-6); Aggression in Language (slides 7-8); Dictionary of Neologisms of Putin’s Russia (slides 9- 12); Tasks of Mnemonics: Memory Events and Memory Wars: Unity Day in Russia (slides 14-19)
The History of Interest in the Topic of Language Politics in Russia since 1992.
How often the Russian language was mentioned in the context of ‘deterioration of the Russian language’, ‘destruction of the Russian language’, ‘loss of the Russian language’ in different Russian media (Central and Regional print media, Radio and Television)
Statistical analysis of secondary borrowings in Russian in the 21st century
Frequency of vocabulary relating to war and military aggression in Russian mass- media language
'Neologisms: Computational Search Methods with Markers of Novelty, and Limitations of Computer-Based Approaches'
Frequency of Neologisms compared with Frequency of Markers of Novelty
First Appearance of Neologisms ‘Reputatsionnyj’, ‘Bekgraund’, ‘Messedzh’
Frequency of Neologisms ‘Antiglamur’, ‘Bekgraund’, ‘Zamorachivat’sya’
Quantitative analyses of coverage of a memory event in different media 1. Work on query. 2. Work on the real historical timeline of the event in order to clarify time range of analyses. 3. Work on data for different media. Compare charts.
3. Work on data for different media
Unity Day in central print (CM) and online media (CONLM), regional print (RM) and online media (RONLM), TV and Radio (TVR), news agencies ITAR and RIA novosti
Unity Day in “non-blogosphere” (CV+CONLM+RM+RONLM+TVR+ITAR+RIA - blue line) and in blogosphere (red line)
Comparison of media life of two memory events: Unity Day and Day of Memory and Sorrow (22 June)
Thank you very much for your attention )).