Jainism is a religious belief system centered around the idea of disciplined self-ethics The word is derived from “Jina” ("Victor," or "Conqueror") implying final victory over bondage to life's misery Around 600 B.C.E., economies and towns emerged that began to develop divergences in thought from the Vedic scriptures and the system of Hinduism. Mahavira was born about 599 B.C.E. in Northern India, in the town of present day Vyshali, in a royal family. Warrior Class aristocrat. Left his status to pursue enlightenment. There are two principal sects, Svetambara (white-clad) and Digambara (sky-clad), diverged by about C.E. 82. Statue of Mahavira History and Background Derek Sanchez
TERMS Ahimsa- non-violence Anekantvad-multiple view points Apirigraham-avoidance of material possessions Satya-harmless truth Moksha- Liberation; Salvation; emancipation from the cycle of birth and death Shirley Lai
Jain Cosmology: Time and Space What is Cosmology? Metaphysical study of the origin and nature of the universe. Time in Jainism is split into 6 “Aras” The universe and time move always in a cyclical motion. There is no beginning There is no end There is no Almighty God. Each person, once attaining Moksha (liberation) become liberated and achieves God status- Jina. Derek Sanchez & Justin Garza
Time is cyclical There are 6 total Aras Utsarpani – the six aras ascending to happiness Avsarpani – the six aras descending to sorrow An Utsarpini and Avsarpini make one Life Cycle Cycles eternally continue. Derek Sanchez
Concept of Loka Jainism wants to know what is the true nature of the universe : Loka 3 Part of Loka Urdhva Loka Upper World: 30 Heavens where Celestial Beings exist realms of gods/heavens Universe Space: Layers of clouds the surround upper world Space Beyond: infinite volume w/out soul, matter, time, medium of motion/rest Mahhya Loka Middle World: Earth and the rest of Universe realms of humans, plants and animals Adho Loka Neither World: 7 Hells realms of hellish beings Different levels of misery Nigoda(Base)- Where lowest forms of life reside Everyone is bound within the universe by ones’ Karma Justin Garza & Derek Sanchez
The Uni Justin Garza
Major Views Anekantvad-many truths Impersonal God Vania Soto monks nuns Lay menLay women
Five Great Vows- Non-violence and no taking of life (Ahimsa) Truth (Satya) Non-stealing (Achaurya or Asteya) Celibacy and Chastity(Brahmacharya) Non-attachment and Non-ownership of material goods (Aparigraha) Vania Soto
TERMS Arhats-worthy ones Tirthankaras-the ford-makers, meaning great teachers Siddhas-liberated souls, who have destroyed all eight types of karmas "Sky Clad"-Jain Ascetics own nothing and are homeless (naked, too) Shirley Lai
Jainism & Hinduism Similarities Both groups ultimately seek enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of rebirths and deaths. Both believe in the doctrine of Ahimsa (non-violence) and compassion as the way of life. Both recommend vegetarian diet for humans. Warda(Rose) Kabir
Principles Shared by Jains and Hindus Jains and Hindus are not the same, but they share some of the same principles. Karma Reincarnation Diwali (triumph of good over evil) Warda (Rose) Kabir
Jainism and Hinduism Differences Jainism Caste System Digambara: sky- clad sect Svetambara: white-clad sect Kharma sticks to the soul Liberated soul remains forever at the top of the Loka No Teachings of God(s), but Law Mahavira later became an object of worship 3 regions in the Jain Cosmos Several Heavens Jambudvipa (Human inhabitants) 7 Hells (Progressively Colder) Hinduism Caste System Class of the elite priesthood Warrior class Class of trades people and farmers Class of laborers Believed in a creator The liberated soul enters eternal happiness… nothingness Mercy killing of animals Animal Sacrifice (ceremonies) Had many Gods Sonia Liu
Civil Rights Peace Gandhi Martin Luther King Ahimsa Mind, body, actions, desires Protection Liberation Not for personal gain Syadvada: truth is relevant Nayavada: non absolute knowledge Niksepa: communication and language Civil Rights Movement Maria Guerrero
Quiz 1. Which principle means ‘non-violence’? (Shirley) A. Ahimsa B. Anekantvad C. Apririgraham D. Satya 2. What was the name for the half cycle of increasing happiness? (Derek) A. Ahimsa B. Avsarpani C. Utsarpani D. Satya
Quiz Continued 3. What term does Jainism use to describe the true nature of the universe? (Justin) 4. Which of these is not one of the 5 Great Vows? (Vania) A. Ahimsa B. Aprigraham C. Anekantvad D. Asteya 5. Both Jainism and Hinduism believe in the doctrine of Ahimsa? (Warda (Rose)) A. True B. False
Quiz Continued 6. Name one difference between Jain and Hindu beliefs. (Sonia) 7. Ahimsa is related to the liberation of people because…(Maria) A. every organism must be protected. B. we need to fight violently for every living organism. C. Martin Luther King was Ahimsa in his time. D. Gandi and Martin Luther king knew Ahimsa.
Citations Lin, Patricia. Hinduism The Tenets. 13 August January —. Jainism Historical Background. 13 August January —. Jainism The Tenets. 13 August January McDowell, Josh. "Jainism." 17 May Handbook of Today's Religions. 24 January html
Citations Continued (Picture Diwali in Jainism) ism (Picture Ahimsa) 1/1_AHIMSA_(uh-HIMN-suh)_%3D_Non-violence.html