English Literature Ahmed K. AlShaqra Student: Supervisor:


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Presentation transcript:

English Literature Ahmed K. AlShaqra Student: Supervisor: Introduction to English Literature Student: Ahmed K. AlShaqra Supervisor: Dr :Ahmed S. Abed El Hadi

Lyrical Poetry has four types : 1- Lyrics 2- Sonnets 3- Odes 4- Elegy 1- Lyrics : No definite pattern of organization Touch the reader’s heart Example: To Celia by Ben Jonson A Lover’s Plea by Thomas Campion

2- Sonnets: definite pattern of organization Its origin is traced to an Italian poet of the fourteenth century called Petrarch The number of lines in the Sonnets is limited to fourteen, divided in two: The first eight lines form in one unit ( octave ) The second six lines ( sestet ) The form was first introduced in to England in the sixteenth century by Sir Thomas Wyatt and the Earl of Surrey Example: On His Blindness 3- Odes .

4- Elegy: Definitions of Elegy: Elegies fall into two classes: Is a death song that is ,a lament for someone who has died Is a sad poem , usually written to express sorrow for someone who is dead Elegies fall into two classes: Plain Elegies Pastoral Elegies

Plain Elegies: * A record of grief aroused by a death . On my First Son BY BEN jONSON Farewell, thou child of my right hand, and joy; My sin was too much hope of thee, loved boy. Seven years thou' wert lent to me, and I thee pay, Exacted by thy fate, on the just day. O, could I lose all father now! For why Will man lament the state he should envy? To have so soon ‘ scaped world's and flesh's rage, And if no other misery, yet age? Rest in soft peace, and, asked, say, "Here doth lie Ben Jonson his best piece of poetry." For whose sake henceforth all his vows be such, As what he loves may never like too much.  

The elegy must be free from frivolous expression or any word or expressions which do not harmonise wit the dominant sentiment The tone of the poet in an elegy is usually grave and melancholy Pastoral elegies : It is a lament composed according to certain conventions The most important of them is the fiction that the person whose death is mourned and the mouner or mouners are all shepherds and shepherdesses . It follows from this that whatever the dead person might have been when alive he is presented in a pastoral elegy as a shepherd .

A pastoral elegy is an allegory A pastoral elegy is an allegory. It employs a number of fictions to disguise the plain truth. ( Allegory ): is a story ,play ,poem ,picture ,that the character represent moral or spiritual ideas or messages(thought) The pastoral elegy is a legacy from the Greeks. There are two of the most famous Greeks poets noted for their pastoral elegies are Bion and Moschus

The most famous pastoral elegies in English: Lycidas by Milton ,a lament on his friend Edward kind . Adonais by Shelly ,in which the death of Keats is mourned. Thyrisisby Arnold ,on the death of fellow poet Arthur Hugh Clough.

The Pastoral elegy conventions: The poem opens with an invocation. A long lament to a description of the life that the two shepherds (The mourner and the dead one) some lines that shows despair at the loss of the mourner’s friend . Finally it offers the consolation.

Milton in his Lycidas : Shelly in his Adonais : He followed the same pattern of pastoral elegy But he also attack the corruption in the English church. Shelly in his Adonais : Shelly borrowed a passage from lament for Adonis. Shelly followed the same conventions but the metrical pattern he employs is different shelly instead the attack on the church to another attack on critics who mocked from Keast and this led to a shorter life for Kitts In his conclusions Shelley forget the pastoral elegy and ended on high philosophical note

Arnold in his Thyrsis : 1-He sticks to the pastoral convention more precisely . 2-He doesn't introduce anything strange like an attack on the church.

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