Famous English Scientists
Sir Isaac Newton Born : 4 th January 1643 Died : 31 st March 1727 (age 84) Birthplace : England About : Sir Isaac Newton was a physicist and mathematician who became one of the most influential scientist of all time. He formulated the three basic laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation. Before he was famous his mother wanted him to be a farmer but luckily a teacher persuaded her to allow him to continue his studies.
Michael Faraday Born : 22 nd September 1791 Died : 25 th August 1867 (age 75) Birthplace : England About : Michael Faraday is a scientist in Electromagnetism and Electrochemistry. He invented an early form of the Bunsen burner and was one the first scientists to discover benzene. He was the first to discover the magnetic field, along with Diamagnetism and Electrolysis.
Charles Darwin Born : 12 th February 1809 Died : 19 th April 1882 (age 73) Birthplace: England About : Charles Darwin was the farther of evolutionary science and he wrote the book called The Origin of the Species which introduced the concept of natural selection. His theories helped support evolution.
Jane Goodall Born : 3 rd April 1934 Died : N/A Birthplace : England About : Jane Goodall is an anthropologist who lived and studied chimpanzees in East Africa. She is a UN Messenger of Peace and she helped found the Nonhuman Rights Project. Whilst studying chimpanzees she observed that they had distinct personalities and were capable of rational thought and emotions like joy and sorrow.
Stephen Hawking. Born : January 8 th 1942 Died : N/A Birthday Place: England About: Stephen Hawking is a legendary physicist due to his work unifying the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. He has written a book called A Brief History of time. He suffers from ALS (a motor neuron disease) and communicates through a speech generating device.
Tim Berners Lee Born : 8 th June 1955 Died : N/A Birthplace : England About : Tim Berners Lee is a computer scientist who is credited with inventing the World Wide Web in He was knighted in 2004 by Queen Elizabeth II for his work with the internet.