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Mens Clothing Men were usually tall, muscular,and athletic.Clothes were important to the spanish men. The men wore shot trousers or pantaloons that come to the knee with gold or silver lace at the bottom. Around the lower part of the leg they wore white stockings or “botos” made of soft deer skin, decorated with designs etched into the leather. Over the shirt, a man wore a long vest with buttons. Over the vest was a jacket.The jacket was usually tied with a red sash at the waist. The Don wore ponchos. The poncho showed the social status and wealth of the person. Richer people wore ponchos trimmed with velvet and silk tassels. Poorer people used a poncho made from large square of cloth with a hole in the middle for the head. The Indians used blankets as ponchos. Topping off the Spanish Dons outfit was a black or dark blue hat with a stiff, bored brim.
Women clothing The Spanish women always liked pretty clothing. Their dresses were made of silk. Their skirts were brightly colored. The dresses usually had short sleeves. Over the shoulders the women wore a shawl made from cloth of lace. In the summer they wore a scarf because it wasn’t as cold as the winter. Many of the Spanish Dona’s wore and loved jewelry. They wore necklaces and earrings in different colors.
People of the Ranchos The Rancho people were seen as happy, carefree people. They enjoyed life. They seemed to have fun and they were content with their life. They had good weather, free land, and lots of help with work.
Their career A couple of their jobs were vaquero (cowboys), harness maker, shoe maker, weaver, tanner, cook and baker, butter and cheese maker, jeweler, plasterer, carpenter, washer women, steamstress, gardener, and wine maker.