By: Norah enjoy
The Hopewell Indians lived in different groups. Some lived in the L.P. witch stands for lower peninsula. The Hopewell Indians in there house they had wooden pole frames. The men got skin from animals to make carpets and blankets. The Hopewell people started there tribe in western New York and moved threw Ohio.
Hopewell Indians made there clothes out of animal skins. Hopewell Lady wore there hair in a pinned bun. Some girls were feathers like birds. Men wore there hair in a Mohawk. Men also wore ornaments from head to toe. Native Americans also wore funny hats.
The Hopewell people ate fish, animals, and birds. The Hopewell also ate nuts, squash,and seeds. Most often to eat meat. Likely to us Mississippi river to get food.
All the Hopewell people did not speak the same languages. The Hopewell people buried the dead on top of logs. The Hopewell people are part of a trading network.