Consistency of verb tense


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Welcome This slide presentation is designed to help students learn to recognize tense shifting so that they may use it correctly in their own writing.
Welcome This slide presentation is designed to help students learn to recognize tense shifting so that they may use it correctly in their own writing.
Presentation transcript:

Consistency of verb tense Consistency of verb tense means that all actions in a sentence that happen (or happened) at the same time are in the same tense. If all of the actions happen in the present or happen all the time, use the present tense for all verbs in the sentence. If all of the actions happened in the past, use the past tense for all verbs. When you edit your writing, make sure that any time a verb tense changes it is because the action the verb describes happened at a different time. Otherwise, the shift in tenses causes an inconsistency.

Consistency of verb tense Inconsistent: The movie started just as we take our seats. (The actions both happened at the same time, but started is in the past tense, and take is in the present tense.) Consistent, present tense: The movie starts just as we take our seats. (The actions and verb tenses are both in the present.) Consistent, past tense: The movie started just as we took our seats. (The actions started and took both happened in the past, and both are in the past tense.)

Using consistent verb tense Identify the verbs. Decide if there are unnecessary shifts in tense. Those who want a good workout needed different kinds of equipment than those interested in an easy ride.

Using consistent verb tense Identify the verbs. Decide if there are unnecessary shifts in tense. Those who want a good workout needed different kinds of equipment than those interested in an easy ride.

Using consistent verb tense Identify the verbs. Decide if there are unnecessary shifts in tense. Those who want a good workout need different kinds of equipment than those interested in an easy ride.

Using consistent verb tense Identify the verbs. Decide if there are unnecessary shifts in tense. A wide seat makes the rider shift from side to side, and it caused painful rubbing.

Using consistent verb tense Identify the verbs. Decide if there are unnecessary shifts in tense. A wide seat makes the rider shift from side to side, and it caused painful rubbing.

Using consistent verb tense Identify the verbs. Decide if there are unnecessary shifts in tense. A wide seat makes the rider shift from side to side, and it causes painful rubbing.

Using consistent verb tense Identify the verbs. Decide if there are unnecessary shifts in tense. Serious riders wore special shoes that snap onto the pedals to allow pushing up as well as pushing down.

Using consistent verb tense Identify the verbs. Decide if there are unnecessary shifts in tense. Serious riders wore special shoes that snap onto the pedals to allow pushing up as well as pushing down.

Using consistent verb tense Identify the verbs. Decide if there are unnecessary shifts in tense. Serious riders wear special shoes that snap onto the pedals to allow pushing up as well as pushing down.

Using consistent verb tense Identify the verbs. Decide if there are unnecessary shifts in tense. Once an experienced cyclist chose the proper bicycle, he or she knows how to ride it properly.

Using consistent verb tense Identify the verbs. Decide if there are unnecessary shifts in tense. Once an experienced cyclist chose the proper bicycle, he or she knows how to ride it properly.

Using consistent verb tense Identify the verbs. Decide if there are unnecessary shifts in tense. Once an experienced cyclist chooses the proper bicycle, he or she knows how to ride it properly.

Using consistent verb tense Identify the verbs. Decide if there are unnecessary shifts in tense. The smart rider also kept his or her knees slightly bent, which eases the strain on the knees.

Using consistent verb tense Identify the verbs. Decide if there are unnecessary shifts in tense. The smart rider also kept his or her knees slightly bent, which eases the strain on the knees.

Using consistent verb tense Identify the verbs. Decide if there are unnecessary shifts in tense. The smart rider also keeps his or her knees slightly bent, which eases the strain on the knees.