Simple Past irregular verbs Compare: We talked We went It started I bought They closed We went She wanted She wore -ed endings are forregular verbs went,bought, wore areirregular verbs They have the same / a different form from the infinitive
Affirmative They talked in a café They bought some drinks They danced at a disco They got home late They showed their tickets They left the café early Regular Irregular Regular Irregular Regular Irregular
She saw beautiful shops She didn´t see any Italian restaurant She met her friends She didn´t meet her family She bought a present for her sister She didn´t buy a present for her brother To make the negative, use: Didn´t+ infinitive Negative
Interrogative He left home early Did he leave home early? He drove his car Did he drive his car? He wore a new suit Did he wear a new suit? To make the interrogative form: Did +infinitive subject +
I drink a Coke I dranka coke I didn´t a coke DidIdrinka coke? We go to a barWewentto a bar Wedidn´tto a bargo drink Didwegoto a bar? They buy a presentTheyboughta present Theydidn´tbuya present Didtheybuya present?
She meets her friendsShe met her friends Shedidn´tmeether friends Didshemeet her friends? You wear a dress You worea dress Youdidn´tweara dress Didyouwear a dress? I have lunch lateI had lunch late I didn´thavelunch late DidI have lunch late?