LOCATION Southern Gulf Coast up to San Antonio
LIFESTYLE Nomadic Hunters & gatherers Followed the limited food supply Harsh/difficult life
SHELTER Temporary houses made of mud, animal skins, and brush
MAIN FOODS Gathered food from land Cacti, nuts, spiders, snakes, lizards, and grub worms
APPEARANCE Strong: known for endurance
All night celebrations UNUSUAL CUSTOMS Mitotes All night celebrations
LOCATION Galveston to Corpus Christi
LIFESTYLE Bow and Arrow Dugout canoes Nomadic Hunting and fishing Traveled in bands of 30-40
SHELTER Wooden Hut and Tepees
MAIN FOODS Oyster, Clams, Scallops, Mollusks, and Turtle
APPEARANCE Beautiful women Pierced chest and lips Tall/muscular men Brightly painted bodies No clothes (men)
ROLES: MEN AND WOMEN Women took down and set up homes Women made clothing from deerskin and moss
UNUSUAL CUSTOMS Wore deerskin skirts(women) Gave children special treatment
UNUSUAL CUSTOMS Given two names Rubbed on alligator fat to keep off mosquitoes Loved dogs
LOCATION Northeast Texas along the Angelina and Neches Rivers
LIFESTYLE Richest and most advanced Friendly Willing and smart traders
Lifestyle *Matrilineal *Farmers!!! *chief called “caddi”
SHELTER Sturdy homes (domes) made of grass (50 ft. high)
MAIN FOODS Corn Beans Squash Sunflower seeds Tobacco
Women had a voice in government Women treated with dignity and respect ROLES: MEN AND WOMEN Men helped women grow crops Women had a voice in government Women treated with dignity and respect Oldest woman controlled family
UNUSUAL CUSTOMS Crop rotation Trotline Beautiful pottery Traded forest products for flint and turquoise Built huge temple and burial mounds Name: “Texas” “Tayshas” – Caddo word for friend; since Caddoes were friendly, Spanish adapted word to describe area – Tejas – Texas
LOCATION Southeast Texas Galveston Island to the Sabine River (marshy wetlands)
LIFESTYLE Matrilineal Farmers
MAIN FOODS Corn Farming (farther inland) Not as advanced as the Caddo Wild game, nuts, berries, fish, shellfish and alligators
UNUSUAL CUSTOMS Used alligator fat to keep off mosquitoes *Difficult to farm because of marshy swampland *Flooding with salt water
LOCATION East Texas along the Trinity River Migrated from Alabama in 1700s
LIFESTYLE Some hunting Made baskets and crafts Farming Vegetables, fruit trees Gathered berries, nuts Some hunting Made baskets and crafts
SHELTER Wooden cabins surrounded by vegetable gardens
CHEROKEES Latecomers (1819-1820)
LOCATION East Texas along the Sabine, Neches, and Angelina Rivers Migrated from the east in 1819-1820
LIFESTYLE Cherokees intermarried and adopted a modern lifestyle Owned plantations and slaves
SHELTER Log cabins in villages
MAIN FOODS Farming Corn, beans, pumpkins, squash
All Plains tribes … Based lives and cultures on buffalo >Food, shelter, clothing, weapons, tools Nomadic – followed buffalo
ate elk, deer, antelope,. & rabbits *ate elk, deer, antelope, & rabbits *pemmican: dried buffalo meat mixed w/nuts & berries *warriors had high status because of bravery
LOCATION West Texas Some mountains
LIFESTYLE Nomadic Lived much like the Pueblo Indians Raided other groups to the west Wore high leather boots for protection
MAIN FOODS Depended less on Buffalo
LOCATION Southwest Plains
LIFESTYLE Nomadic Warfare Bow and Arrow Wore high leather boots for protection
MAIN FOODS Buffalo Gardening (rancherias) Corn, beans, squash, maize, pumpkin
APPEARANCE Decorated with feathers Pierced left ear (6-8 times) Hair Left short Right Long
ROLES: MEN AND WOMEN Women got recognition for gardens
UNUSUAL CUSTOMS Rode horses Raided by Comanche Feared death Buried their dead quickly Buried with possessions
LOCATION Plains of Texas Panhandle into central Texas
LIFESTYLE Nomadic Warriors Control land Most feared Many enemies
MAIN FOODS Buffalo Skilled traders
APPEARANCE Fancy tattoos Bright colors Braided hair Men wore buffalo headdresses
War chief – best rider Peace chief older male recognized in battle ROLES: MEN AND WOMEN War chief – best rider Peace chief older male recognized in battle
UNUSUAL CUSTOMS Expert horse riders Scalp enemy – Keep enemy’s soul from the after life Traveled in bands
LOCATION Far east side of the Panhandle
LIFESTYLE Nomadic Allies to Comanche
SHELTER Tepees decorated with pictures of important events
MAIN FOODS Hunted Buffalo, elk, antelope, deer, bear Pemmican
APPEARANCE Decorated with feathers
UNUSUAL CUSTOMS SUNDANCE mid June Prevent sickness and disaster
KICKAPOOS Latecomers (1830s)
LOCATION Southern Plains along the Rio Grande Migrated from Great Lakes area in 1830s
LIFESTYLE Made baskets, buckskin clothing, and fine beadwork Lived in villages Raised crops Spent periods hunting on the plains Made baskets, buckskin clothing, and fine beadwork
SHELTER Round structures covered by woven mats Made by women
The North Central Region THE TEXAS INDIANS The North Central Region
LOCATION North central plains Near present-day Austin
LIFESTYLE Enemy of the Comanche Lived in grass houses in villages
MAIN FOODS Buffalo and deer Birds, rabbits, turtles,snakes, nuts,fruit Gardening Fished rivers and springs
APPEARANCE Some men tattooed entire body
LOCATION Along Red River Near present-day Waco and Dallas
LIFESTYLE Lived along creeks and rivers Matrilineal Enemy of the Comanche
SHELTER Grass Domes
MAIN FOODS Corn, squash, beans, pumpkin, melons Hunted buffalo Did not eat fish
APPEARANCE Tattooed bodies
UNUSUAL CUSTOMS Raccoon eye tattoos on face Made jars, pots, leather bags
THE TEXAS INDIANS Far West Texas (Pueblo Region)
LOCATION West Texas Along Rio Grande
LIFESTYLE Farming villages Matrilineal
SHELTER Adobe homes – insulation Brightly painted on inside
MAIN FOODS Farmed near rivers and streams Corn, squash, beans Small game
UNUSUAL CUSTOMS Irrigation ditches Allies of the Apache
LOCATION Along Rio Grande in West Texas Near present-day El Paso
LIFESTYLE Lived in villages Cooked food in round adobe ovens
LIFESTYLE Made beautiful pottery Grew cotton and wove cloth
MAIN FOODS Some hunting and fishing Farming Corn, tomatoes, squash, beans, and grapes