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Shemot/Exodus 27:20 – 30:10 “Garments of the High Priest”
“You shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother, for glory and for beauty.”
Moses’ brother Aaron was the first High Priest. The LORD gave instructions on making the garments of the High Priest. The high priest wore eight holy garments.
They are similar to “underwear”. Linen is white in color.
The tunic was made of pure linen. Covering the entire body from the neck to the feet. Sleeves reaching to the wrists. Beautiful embroidered work on the tunic. The Tunic
It was made of fine linen with “embroidered work”. Blue, purple and scarlet threads woven in it. About 64 feet long. The Sash
The High Priest wore a special head covering. About 32 feet long. Wrapped around the head of the High Priest. The Turban
On the front of the turban A golden plate inscribed with the words: “Holiness unto the LORD” A blue ribbon looped through slots in the head plate. Rested on the forehead of the High Priest. The Headplate
The hem was fringed with small golden bells and pomegranates The blue was made from over 12,000 sea snails. Blue was the color given to kings. The Robe
A very beautiful embroidered vest or apron Made from woven threads of blue, scarlet, purple and white. Gold was pounded into thin threads and woven into the fabric. Two shoulder gemstones with the names of the tribes of Israel. The Ephod
In Hebrew is called the Choshen. It was a pouch that had twelve gems on it. Each jewel was engraved with the name of one of the tribes The pouch carried the Urim and Thummim. The Breastplate
Yom Kippur Daily
The High Priest on Yom Kippur can teach us about Yeshua. Yeshua became the atoning sacrifice.
Cohen Gadol High Priest
The LORD gave Moses instructions on the design of the High Priest’s garments. The High Priest had 8 special articles of clothing that set him apart from the other priests ministering in the Mishkan. Yeshua is the Great High Priest.