Warm Up Students will be given 5 minutes to answer the following: 1.Why was the Middle Kingdom considered the golden age? 2. Who were the Hyksos? 3. How was Egypt eventually able to defeat the Hyksos?
Objective: Students will be able to understand why the New Kingdom was a unique period of time in ancient Egypt’s history.
*Ahmose founded a new dynasty. It began a period known as the New Kingdom, which lasted from about 1550 B.C. to 1070 B.C. *During this time, Egypt prospered through trade, gained land through conquest, and reached the height of its power. Make predications about what contributed to Egypt’s great success during the New Kingdom. (Turn and talk)
What is unique about this Pharaoh ?
Hatshepsut lead along side her husband, and when he died, she was named Pharaoh. How do you think Hatshepsut proved to others that she fit the role? (Turn and talk)
Answer- Dressed like the traditional Pharaoh- even wore the traditional beard, built magnificent temples and restored old monuments
Hatshepsut focused her efforts on restoring trade that was interrupted by the Hyksos invasion.
Hatshepsut was more interested in promoting trade than starting wars. Egyptian seafarers sailed to ports in Arabia and East Africa. Egyptian traders exchanged beads, metal tools, and weapons for gold, ivory, ebony wood, and incense (a burned material for pleasant smell). The Egyptians valued wood products because the Nile River had few trees. They needed wood to build boats, furniture, and other items.
Independent Reading Complete the reading and questions on trade and politics in Ancient Egypt.
Group Work Group 1- Why were the Egyptians interested in trading for wood? Group 2- What impact did the Phoenicians have on cultures they traded with? Group 3-What political ties did Egypt develop with other kingdoms? Group 4-How did kingdoms maintain ties with each other?
Closure Lets hear some responses from the different groups.
Homework Complete reading & questions.