St David’s Day
St David’s Day falls on the 1 st March every year, which is the day he is said to have died on, in 589 AD. St David’s Day has been celebrated in Wales every year for centuries! St. David is the patron saint of Wales.
Every year, parades are held all over Wales to commemorate St. David. The largest parade is held in Cardiff, and either the British Monarch or the Prince of Wales attends this parade. There are also music concerts, Welsh literature readings, and food festivals.
On St. David’s Day, it is common for Welsh people to wear a leek on their lapel to commemorate St David. The leek is St. David’s personal symbol. The story goes that a long time ago during a battle against the English, Welsh soldiers wore leeks on top of their uniforms so that they would recognise each other on the battlefield.
St David’s Cathedral St David is said to have died in 589 CE, and was buried in a cathedral. The cathedral was named after him. It can be found in Pembroke- shire in north-west Wales.