What does Mohawk Mean? The Mohawk name is what their Algonkian enemies used to call them, meaning "man-eaters." In their own language, the Mohawk people call themselves Kanienkehaka, which means "people of the flint.”
Where did the Mohawk Indians Live? They are from New York State Some of the Mohawk Indians still live in New York today Most moved to Canada in the 1700’s
Mohawk Homes The Mohawk Indians lived in a longhouse The longhouse were 150 feet long 20 feet wide and 20 feet high. Inside the longhouse, there were raised platforms that created a second story used for sleeping space. Mats and wood screens divided the longhouse into separate rooms. One longhouse could hold a whole tribe.
Clothing for Mohawk Indians The men wore breech clothes and leggings and feathered headdresses The women wore wore a wraparound shirt with shorter leggings than the men and beaded tiaras During wars the men shaved their heads into a mohawk.
Tools used by Mohawk Indians Bow and arrows for hunting Spears and fishing poles to fish During war, Mohawk men used: bow and arrows clubs spear shields as weapons Other tools the Mohawk people used were flint knives for skinning animals
What did the Mohawk eat? The Mohawk Indians were farmers. They grew corn, beans, and squash. They hunted deer, elk and fish.