Sight Words by Hatice Oncel
accolade public praise; approval Her approval was the highest accolade he could have received public praise; approval Her approval was the highest accolade he could have received
assuage / to make unpleasant feelings less strong / The government has tried to assuage the public's fears. / / to make unpleasant feelings less strong / The government has tried to assuage the public's fears. /
cacophony Harsh; discordant sounds As we entered the farmyard we were met with a cacophony of animal sounds Harsh; discordant sounds As we entered the farmyard we were met with a cacophony of animal sounds
censure Blame; a rebuke His dishonest behaviour came under severe censure Blame; a rebuke His dishonest behaviour came under severe censure
diatribe A bitter, abusively critical speech or piece of writing He launched into a long diatribe against the government's policies A bitter, abusively critical speech or piece of writing He launched into a long diatribe against the government's policies
edifice A building, especially of large, imposing size The town hall is the only edifice surviving from the fifteenth century
gravity Weighty importance I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation Weighty importance I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation
infraction A breaking of a minor law or rule Any attempt to influence the judges will be seen as an infraction of the rules A breaking of a minor law or rule Any attempt to influence the judges will be seen as an infraction of the rules
profane Showing disrespect for sacred things Profane language Showing disrespect for sacred things Profane language
somber / Solemn; sad and depressing; melancholy somber atmosphere/voice/face / The funeral was a somber occasion. / I left them in a somber mood. He wore a sombre black suit. / Solemn; sad and depressing; melancholy somber atmosphere/voice/face / The funeral was a somber occasion. / I left them in a somber mood. He wore a sombre black suit.