Before his Imamah 31 Questions A.S. Hashim, MD Questions about Al-Saadiq
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah2 Definition of Terms in this Slide Show Institute of Ahlul Bayt: Refers to the teachings and discussions by Ahlul Bayt. This was conducted at: Institute of Ahlul Bayt: Refers to the teachings and discussions by Ahlul Bayt. This was conducted at: The house of the Imam The house of the Imam Masjid Al-Nabawi Masjid Al-Nabawi At or near the Grand Mosque during Haj At or near the Grand Mosque during Haj Piety-minded: Refers to the many Schools of thought: Like that of Ibn Abbas, of Ibn Omar, Jabriah, Qadariyah, Murj’iah, Ahlul Raa’y, Ahlul Qiyas, etc. Piety-minded: Refers to the many Schools of thought: Like that of Ibn Abbas, of Ibn Omar, Jabriah, Qadariyah, Murj’iah, Ahlul Raa’y, Ahlul Qiyas, etc.
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah3 Name the Hijrah year in which Al ‑ Saadiq was born. a.In 66 Hijrah b.In 83 Hijrah c.In 57 Hijrah d.In 99 Hijrah
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah4 Chart the lineage of Al ‑ Saadiq. a.Father Al-Baaqir and mother Umm Farwa daughter of Al-Qasim b.Father Al-Baaqir and mother Umm Farwa daughter of Al-Abbas c.Father Al-Baaqir and mother Umm Farwa daughter of Ali d.Father Al-Baaqir and mother Umm Farwa daughter of Al-Hasan
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah5 Describe the closeness of Al ‑ Saadiq with his grandfather Zainul Abideen. a.They were very close b.Fairly close, since Zainul Abideen was too busy c.Not close, since Al-Saadiq lived in a different town d.They were intimately close since Al-Saadiq lived in the house of his grandfather.
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah6 What important event took place when Al-Saadiq was 5 years old? a.Young Al ‑ Saadiq saw the house of Imam Ali being demolished b.The house was a historical landmark and everyone knew it. c.Ali's house and the houses of Umm Al ‑ Mu'mineen [wives of the Prophet] were destroyed by Al ‑ Waleed son of Abdul Malik,. d.All the above
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah7 Why was Ali’s house destroyed? a.For the sake of expanding the Grand Mosque of the Prophet. b.Not a single person from Medina or near areas wished to or had the nerve to demolish the house of Ali, they all refused. c.a+b+ Workers from outside had to be deployed, 40 were Egyptian Christian Qub't and 40 Byzantine craftsmen. d.80 were Iraqi Christian Qub't and 60 Turkish Byzantine craftsmen.
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah8 Who are Ulu Al ‑ Amr? a.Ulu Al ‑ Amr are distinct people whom Allah had purified. b.They are the most righteous, who understand the Holy Quran as it was meant, c.Ahlul Bayt are Uli Al ‑ Amr d.a+b+c+ The Holy Quran describes Ulu Al-Amr as the people in charge of us, who have the authority over us, that they are the most righteous, i.e., Ahlul Bayt.
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah9 Who are Al ‑ Rasikhoon fi Al ‑ Ilm? a.Al Rasikhoon fi Al-Ilm are people with the deepest knowledge, b.a+ They are Muhammad, Ali and Ahlul Bayt (his progeny). c.Other scholars could have deep knowledge but not as deep nor as accurate as that of the Al Rasikhoon fi Al Ilm. d.Ahlul Bayt's guidance and tutelage are vigorously sought by numerous people.
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah10 Outline the lineage of Al ‑ Qasim and his relation to Al ‑ Saadiq. a.Al-Qasim was grandfather of Al-Saadiq b.Al-Qasim was grandchild of Abu Bakr c.a+b+ Lineage of Al-Saadiq is from Ali and Abu Bakr d.Lineage of Al-Saadiq is from Al-Qasim and Uthman
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah11 Explain the discussion of Al ‑ Baaqir to Al-Saadiq about the Sahaaba a.We respect the Sahaaba of the Prophet very much, b.but we should individualize the good ones from the ones who had produced mischief. c.a+b+ A person who spends a lot of time in company of the Prophet to learn well from him, and whose deeds testify to that, is a highly respected Sahaabi. d.But others have produced mischief, so beware.
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah12 Give samples of the good and bad Sahaaba. a.The good ones are: Al-Ghifari, Salman al-Farsi, Ibn Abbas, and Ammar ibn Yasir to name a few, b.a+ The bad ones are Mu’awiya, Ibn Al-Abbas, Al- Mughira, and Al-Jah’ni c.The good ones are: Al-Mughira and Abdul Malik son of Marwan d.The bad ones are the Najashi of Abyssinia
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah13 Give an account about the life of the Sahaabi Abu Dhar: a.Abu Dhar Al-Ghifari was a dedicated and sincere Sahaabi b.He went to Syria and exposed the excesses of Mu'awiya during the Khilaafah of Uthman. c.Al-Ghifari was forced to leave Syria to Medina, whereby he was exiled by Uthman to a small village many miles away. d.a+b+c+ Abu Dhar was an extremely outspoken person for Islam and against the corruption of the rulers during his life time
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah14 Give an account about the life of the Sahaabi Salman Al ‑ Farsi a.Salman was a man of purity, whom the Prophet (pbuh) loved very much. b.He was the one who suggested digging the ditch in Medina to prevent the disbelievers from destroying the Muslims. c.The Ditch Encounter proved very successful. d.a+b+c+ Salman was appointed Governor at Mada'in by Imam Ali, and he died there
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah15 Give an account about the life of Ibn Abbas a.Ibn Abbas was the unique student of Imam Ali, b.was later appointed by Imam Ali as the governor of Basrah. c.He was a highly respected scholar in Islam, d.a+b+c+ and there developed a school according to his teachings in Medina
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah16 Give an account about the life of Ammar son of Yasir. a.Ammar son of Yasir was a revered Sahaabi, whose parents were the first to lose their lives for the sake of Islam. b.The Prophet (pbuh) predicted that Ammar would be killed by the evil group. c.Ammar was killed in Siffin fighting on the side of Ali against Mu'awiya. The person who killed him was a Sahaabi who had heard the Hadith of the Prophet about Ammar and was fully aware of it. d.a+b+c+ The killer was Al Jah'ni who was a Sahaabi fighting on the side of Mu'awiya, against Ali
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah17 How old was Al ‑ Saadiq when his grandfather Zainul Abideen died? a.23 Years old b.12 Years old c.6 Years old d.9 Years old
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah18 Describe Al ‑ Saadiq when he was in mid ‑ teenage. a.Al ‑ Saadiq was of medium height, light skin, slightly curly hair, with a mole on his cheek. b.He always wore a smile, and was very friendly. c.a+b+ By the age of 16 he had poured over the voluminous books written by Imam Ali. d.He was muscular who bragged his physique
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah19 Evaluate the activities of Al ‑ Saadiq when he was in his twenties. a.In his twenties Al Saadiq was extremely busy in the affairs of Ahlul Bayt's Institute. b.Al Saadiq was actively teaching, directing, debating, discussing, and disputing numerous Islamic issues. c.Al Saadiq and his brothers were managers of the Institute’s affairs. d.a+b+c+ The Institute was growing steadily, it had become much bigger and was well managed and directed
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah20 Contrast the growth of the Institute of Ahlul Bayt during the times of Zainul Abideen to that of Al ‑ Baaqir. a.At the hands of Zainul Abideen 160 scholars graduated, but at the hands of Al-Baaqir 300 scholars were graduated b.The numbers are 50 scholars versus 500 scholars c.The numbers are 25 scholars versus 400 scholars d.The numbers are 150 scholars versus 500 scholars
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah21 Review the life of Al ‑ Saadiq when he was 30 years old. a.Al-Saadiq spent much of his teen years in the company of his father, b.participated in the Institute's group discussions of various subjects, c.worked at the orchard to earn their living, and d.a+b+c+ was frequently at the Masjid Al Nabawi performing Salat and reading Du'aa.
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah22 List the main subjects which Al ‑ Saadiq learned by the time he reached 30 years of age. a.Al Saadiq had memorized the Holy Quran, and knew its Tafseer, its intricacies, and interpretation. b.He had memorized the Hadiths and learned a vast amount of Fiqh. c.Al Saadiq was thankful for the Corpus of Knowledge Imam Ali had left behind, d.a+b+c+ the Corpus was full of indispensable Islamic Directives and knowledge.
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah23 Whom did Al ‑ Saadiq marry? a.Al-Saadiq married his cousin, the granddaughter of Zainul Abideen, b.a+ he had 2 children, Isma’eel and Abdullah. c.Al-Saadiq married his cousin, Daughter of Zaid ibn Al-Baaqir d.a+ he had 5 children, Isma'eel, Abdullah, Abbas, Ali, and Uthman.
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah24 Name the first child of Al ‑ Saadiq. a.Isma’eel b.Abdullah, and that is why he was called Abu Abdullah c.Musa Al-Kadhim d.Al-Jawaad
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah25 State the political conditions of the Ummah as the 30 year old Al ‑ Saadiq saw them. a.Al Saadiq considered the year 113H whereby many of Benu Umayya Khalifas had come and gone. b.Some were firm, others cunning and deceitful, others stingy, many were truly murderers, and others down right evil. c.a+b+ There was only one, Omar son of Abdul Aziz, who was outstanding, a man of integrity. d.All Benu Umayya Khalifas were evil except for Mu’awiya
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah26 State the conditions of the general public as the 30 year old Al ‑ Saadiq saw them. a.The average man had become better informed, slowly and gradually. b.Vitality had been injected, through the number of scholars graduating, c.And through the discussions these graduates carried out in different parts of the Islamic world; d.a+b+c+ and this had kept the torch of genuine Islam alive in the average man.
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah27 How was the condition of the Ummah when Al-Saadiq was 30 yrs old? a.Medina, Mecca, and Al Hijaz had become the power house of learning, the intellectual center. b.People came from hundreds or thousands of miles away, to learn at the hands of Ahlul Bayt or other Sahaaba, such as Ibn Abbas, or Ibn Omar. c.Kufa had become metropolitan, with diverse centers for learning. d.a+b+c+ Basrah had become a third center of learning.
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah28 Describe the Institute of Ahlul Bayt when Al ‑ Saadiq reached the age of 30 years. a.The Institute had become firmly established despite all the hurdles Benu Umayya put in its way. b.The secret agents, and the government informers were plentiful, but the Institute continued to flourish. c.People were after the authentic Islamic knowledge, they came solo or in groups, stayed in Medina living at a minimal level of comfort, just for the sake of learning. d.a+b+c+ This was accentuated during the time of Haj.
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah29 Relate how involved Al ‑ Saadiq was in politics. a.Very excited about the play of politics b.Not involved, he shunned politics c.Encouraged everyone to be in politics d.Politics was low and dirty, it was beneath him
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah30 Mention the number of the fabricated Hadiths recorded. a.Al-Saadiq was ill at ease at the fabrications and distortions that crept into Hadith b.This was often encouraged by Benu Umayya in their quest for legitimizing their Khilaafah. c.Also by the Qassassoon (story tellers) who fabricated it as a means to make money d.a+b+c+ It is well documented that the fabricated Hadiths numbered 408,324 narrated by 620 men.
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah31 Mention the number of the fabricators of the Hadith. a.220 fabricators b.620 fabricators c.1025 fabricators d.376 fabricators
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah32 Al ‑ Baaqir died at the age of 57, what did he give Al ‑ Saadiq? a.Before his death Al ‑ Baaqir gave a will of recommendations emphasizing the service of Allah, piety and perfection of character. b.When Imam Al Baaqir died Al Saadiq was 31 years old, and that was the start of his Imamah. c.a+b+ Al Baaqir gave him the trust of the Corpus of Knowledge that came from Ali down to each Imam. d.When Imam Al Baaqir died Al Saadiq was 65 years old, and that was the start of his Imamah.
Click for the answer Questions, Al-Saadiq, Up to his Imamah33 What is meant by claiming that Imamah is by Designation (Nass)? a.Imamah means a designation (Nass) by the Almighty sent down to Muhammad (pbuh) through Jubra'eel, b.a+ then passed down from one Imam to the subsequent one. (This is what the Shi'a or Imamah Asserters believe in.) c.Each Imam is entrusted with part of the Corpus of Knowledge that came from Ali. d.Imam Al Saadiq was now in possession of only two volumes,
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