Ulnar Collateral Ligament Sprain of the Elbow Tommy John’s Surgery Rehabilitation Program Devin Solvik Therapeutic Exercises For Athletic Training Professions and Athletes
Anatomy Humerus Ulna Anterior Band Intermediate Band Posterior Band
Mechanism of Injury UCL can become stretched frayed or torn Improper throwing mechanics Number of pitches thrown Percent of injury
Throwing mechanics Valgus stress 1 2 3 4 5 6 Valgus torque
Pre-Surgery Treatment RICE Electric Stimulation Ultra Sound Heat
Pre-Surgery Rehabilitation Range of Motion Exercises Strength Core
Tommy John Surgery Performed by Dr. Frank Jobe in 1974. Named after major league pitcher Tommy John. New tendon Woven in a figure 8 pattern Attaches to ulna and humerus
Post-Surgery Treatments Ice Elevation Compression Immobilization
Post Surgery RANGE OF MOTION Wand flexion/extension Passive extension- light medicine ball Pulley-passive flexion/extension AROM Wrist- circumduction, flexion/extension
Wand Flexion/ Extension Good helps the bad
Passive Extension- light medicine ball Allow medicine ball to assist with elbow extension
Pulley Passive flexion/extension Make sure movements are controlled
AROM wrist- circumduction, flexion/extension
Post-Surgery Resistive Exercises Isometrics- elbow flexion/extension Theraband/theratubing- elbow flexion/extension Dumbbell- elbow flexion/extension Therabar- pronation/supination Hand Web Putty Squeeze
Isometrics- elbow flexion/extension There should be no movement within the elbow joint during this exercise
Theraband/theratubing-elbow flexion/extension Do through entire rang of motion.
Dumbbell- elbow flexion/extension
Therabar- pronation/supination Uninjured arm will stabilize one end of thera-bar
Have patient flex and extend fingers against resistance Hand Web Have patient flex and extend fingers against resistance
Completely open and close hand using a slow and controlled manner. Putty Squeeze Completely open and close hand using a slow and controlled manner.
Prognosis Percent of complete recovery 85%-92% Begin throwing at 16 weeks Field players 6 months of rehabilitation Pitchers 1 year of rehabilitation
Risk Factors Re-injury Damage to ulnar nerve Infection Area of injury
References … American Journal Sports Medicine Current Concepts in Rehab Defining Safe Rehab Diagnosis and Treatment Muscle Splitting of the UCL Optimizing elbow Rehab Rehab Following Elbow Surgery Rehabilitation of Throwers UCL Reconstruction