2012 Army Reserve Leadership Conference DHAP STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE September 2012
Agenda DHAP Digital Store DHAP Coordinator AKO Portal Army Reserve Social Media, Print & Web Resources Discussion: What Works for your Reservists?
Welcome to the DHAP Digital Store PDHRA Materials DHAP Materials The DHAP Digital Store is a one-stop shop, very user-friendly site to support your outreach and education efforts It takes approximately 2-5 minutes to register…very easy It takes 5-8 minutes to order materials…very easy DHAP Digital Store:
How do I Register and Order Materials? Click “Register” on the left hand side. Download the DHAP Digital StoreFront User Guide for how to order materials step-by-step. We recommend one coordinator per installation. Remember: the goal of the site is to distribute collateral to increase DHAP compliance by familiarizing Soldiers, DA Civilians, Commanders and family members with requirements and procedures prior to taking the assessments. All orders will be approved by the DHAP STRATCOM team. The printers need at least 2 weeks advance notice for all orders. DHAP Digital Store Website:
DHAP items found on the Coordinator’s page, include the most current: Letterhead, policy memo templates, social media templates, videos and graphics Coordinator Maps DHAP Digital StoreFront User Guide Downloadable Promotional Items (PDF) PDHRA Banner Request Form Public Affairs Guidance (PAG) What is the DHAP AKO Coordinator’s Portal? The DHAP Coordinator AKO portal is a centralized, online repository for the most up-to-date DHAP materials.DHAP Coordinator AKO portal Coordinators should use these tools to keep DHAP branding consistent across all communications and event planning. Coordinator maps user up-to-date contact information for collaboration. Submissions and best practices are welcome for posting on this page. Access to the DHAP Coordinator AKO portal is restricted. Users must be approved before access is granted. To request access to the site, please DHAP Coordinator AKO Portal:
Army Reserve Web, Print and Social Media
Army Reserve U.S. Army Reserve Website Go Army (Recruiting Site) Army Reserve Family Programs Army Reserve Blog Army Reserve Social Media: Army Reserve Twitter Army Reserve Facebook Army Reserve Flickr Army Reserve YouTube Army Reserve Publication: Warrior Citizen (Official Magazine of the Army Reserve) RSC/MSC Sites 63 rd RSC: Army Reserve 63rd RSC Facebook Army Reserve 63rd RSC Flickr 81 st RSC: Army Reserve 81st RSC Website Army Reserve 81st RSC Facebook 1 st MSC: Army Reserve 1st MSC Facebook Army Reserve 1st MSC Flickr Army Reserve 1st MSC YouTube 99 th RSC: Army Reserve 99th RSC Facebook
What works to get the word out? What doesn’t work? How do we improve outreach and education? Do you collaborate with your PAO? Discussion: Communication Challenges & Best Practices
Questions? We are here to help! Contact the DHAP STRATCOM Team: Omar Torres* Shanika Thomas** *Booz Allen Hamilton contractor supporting the DHAP, Army G-1 **Sektor Solutions contractor supporting the DHAP, Army G-1 Army Reserve DHAP Page