2005 Annual Results “Record-setting Year, Record Results” Paul Chow Chief Executive, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited 8 March 2006
2 Annual Results Announcement Record Market Activities
3 Annual Results Announcement Key Market Statistics
4 Annual Results Announcement Record Performance from Record Market Turnover and Stringent Cost Control
5 Annual Results Announcement Record Profit Since Merger
6 Annual Results Announcement Income Rose in Line with Market Activities
7 Annual Results Announcement 2005 Investment Income
8 Annual Results Announcement Cost Pressure Mitigated by Cost Control
9 Annual Results Announcement First Half vs Second Half
Major Initiatives – Building a Quality Market Enhance Listing Regulation Revamp listing decision-making structure (phase one in May) Continue review of GEM Further enhance corporate governance Support establishment of Financial Reporting Council Implement abolition of paid announcements and strengthen issuer information on HKEx website (by year-end) Continue work towards the establishment of statutory listing requirements Establish China Affairs Team
Major initiatives - Building a Quality Market Strengthen Market Infrastructure Upgrade software of HKATS Network Gateways (Q2-Q3) Implement phase 2 of network consolidation with migration of CCASS network to SDNet (June) Replace hardware and software of AMS/3 Open Gateway and Multi-Work Station (Q2/2006 – Q1/2007) Feasibility study and prepare for migration of AMS/3 for a higher version of server technology (Q3 – Q4)
Major Initiatives - Building a Quality Market Service Market Users Launch and develop Callable Bull/Bear Contracts market (H1) Strengthen derivative warrant market, including web-based resource centre (Q2) Review market-maker model for derivatives market Introduce long-dated index options (March) Expand combo order functions to HSI Options and review possible introduction of tailor-made combo orders in derivatives market (March) Reduce trading spreads of shares traded below $30 (phase 2 in July) Complete Trading Hall renovation with Exchange Exhibition Hall opening in late April
Major initiatives - Building a Quality Market Service Market Users Harmonise collateral policies of the three clearing houses Explore Third Party Clearing Further enhance CCASS nominee services Study expanding admission of Investor Participants to CCASS
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