Are You Ready for e-Government? Transactional Content Management Title Month Year Are You Ready for e-Government? Transactional Content Management Yaser Abusamrah. Manager, Nesma Information Services Emad Sarhan. Products Manager, Nesma Information Services
E-Government Title Month Year Do you have DSL at home or office ? Have you ever used a local services ? Have you ever used a governmental services? Is it a good service? Simply e-Government is better service to citizens through automated Improved processes and all government agencies must be ready for that 2
Do you have one of these problems?? Title Month Year Title Month Year Do you have one of these problems?? 1 Paper is difficult to store, access and manage 2 Paper, and/or manual processes are slow, expensive and error-prone 3 Information silos create compliance risk Key Messages: We hear from our customers that they are faced with: Several challenges of dealing with paper because it is difficult to store and manage. Paper documents take up valuable real estate, that could be utilized for office space rather than file cabinets. A study was conducted by TAPN, estimated that organizations will make up to 19 copies of a single document – that could be a lot of storage. Also, these paper documents are difficult to manage. Managing sheer volume can be a daunting task, especially when an organization must process a wide variety of document types and formats. The management of paper takes me to the next challenge…. As a result of dealing with paper, we are faced with manual processes that are slow, inefficient, expense and error-prone. Paper files can only be processed sequentially, by a single individual at a time Typically there are shipping costs associated with process the paper files In dealing with paper-based processes the is the opportunity for errors because organizations do not have a complete end-to-end view of the processes. 3. In a paper-based environment, where typically the information is stored in silos, it can be difficult to establish effective controls and monitor activity to ensure compliance with regulations 4. Or maybe you have implemented a legacy or home grown imaging solutions are not meeting current business requirements. For example, FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health, a division of the US Food and Drug Administration, replaced their legacy document management system for scanned regulatory submission which was nearing obsolescence and its functionality was limited. They were looking for a single solution to convert TIFF images to PDF files, store them in a single repository, and make them easily accessible through a web-based intranet client. EMC was able to meet all their requirements and allowed them to plan for the future. As a result, organizations struggle to reduce cost, improve customer service, meet compliance regulations and increase revenue. Tibits Makes 19 copies of a single document1 Spends $20 in labor to file each document1 Spends $120 in labor searching for each misfiled document1 Loses one out of every 20 documents1 Spends 25 hours recreating each lost document1 Spends $8 to process every invoice – 70% of which is related to document handling2 Off Site - $1.00/per document to store $5.00/per document to RETRIEVE On Site – up to 1M cubic feet of storage! Thousands of square feet of PRIME office space 4 You can not deliver the content and services 3
Transactional Content Management Title Month Year Title Month Year To be ready for e-Government, you need both ECM and BPM as a one unified solution to implement and run 5 transactional content management components in one platform Input Application output Content Repository Electronic documents Forms And emails Document management Process Paper Compliance Delivery Portal Records Search Security Dynamic Publishing Storage Service-Oriented Architecture 4
Value: ECM + BPM = ROI Increasing return on investment potential Title Month Year Business Process Lifecycle Management (as part of Business Process Management Suite, or BPMS) Continuous process improvement Composite applications/service-oriented architecture Actionable visibility with business activity monitoring Increasing return on investment potential Process Automation (as part of business process management) Integration Efficiency Visibility through reports Note to Presenter: View in Slide Show mode for animation. EMC realizes that its customers receive significant additional value by adding Business Process Management Suite functionality to manage the business process lifecycle, on top of its traditional content-management- platform and document-workflow capabilities. This diagram shows how customers can utilize a combination of enterprise content management (ECM) and business process management (BPM) to more fully optimize the information that is stored and managed within the Documentum Repository. The top layer, business process lifecycle management, provides additional capabilities around process analysis, monitoring, and overall process optimization enabling you to manage your entire process lifecycle. We will cover this in more detail in the next slides. The layer called process automation provides the ability to design and execute processes beyond just the routing and approval of content, and requiring additional functionality such as integration with other systems and work queue management. One way to think about the additional value gained as you move up the stack shown in this diagram is that you are going from processes that support content to applications where content supports the process. Document/Content Workflow (as part of enterprise content management, or ECM) Distributed document routing Automated approvals Controlled access Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Secured and managed content Repurpose and reuse information Capture and/or eliminate paper
The Heart of Transactional Content Management—Process Title Month Year Business process management (BPM) is a technology-based approach for understanding, automating, and optimizing your processes… Understand: Complete view of processes across the organization Automate: Execute and automate processes in a production environment Optimize: Continuous process performance improvement Technologies Business process analysis Process execution Business activity monitoring Systems-based integration Process Let’s move on to business process management (or BPM). BPM is more than just workflow automation, which is what it evolved from. It has evolved by encompassing the approach for understanding, managing, and optimizing your processes. Let me explain further. Understanding processes involves using process discovery, analysis, and simulation to assess the current-state process and use this information to create the future-state process. In addition, by having a process repository, organizations can understand how processes across the enterprise relate to/affect each other and how they support the organizations’ objectives. Automating processes is focused on the execution of processes within the production environment, including orchestration of human-based workflow, process automation, and systems-based integration activities within many simultaneous running instances of a process. Optimizing processes deals with real-time process monitoring to track and correct performance issues as they occur. This performance-monitoring data can also be fed into process-analysis and simulation tools for continuous process improvement. BPM can deliver a number of significant benefits, including: Efficiency and cycle-time reduction through process automation and orchestration, the coordination of people across functional boundaries, and integration with disparate IT systems and applications Agility through process design, revision, and implementation without coding Compliance through process standardization, re-usable best practices, and audit trails
Business Process Management Tools One unified Solution Title Month Year Title Month Year Business Process Management Tools One unified Solution Business Process Analyzer Business Process Simulator Business Process Builder e-Forms Builder Process Integration Services Process Engine Easy to use interface Documentum Process Suite products Analyze Business Process Analyzer – allows business-level users to easily design processes Business Process Simulator – allows users to run process models designed in Business Process Analyzer through simulated usage scenarios Business Process Navigator – web browser-based client that enables process stakeholders throughout the enterprise to view and analyze process models Process Connectors – enables integration of best-in-class applications – rules engines, simulation environments, and auditing, analytics, and reporting tools. Deploy Business Process Manager – allows technical staff to easily implement process models and deploy them for execution in Process Engine Forms Builder – enables the design of electronic forms which will be used to capture information and complete activities within production processes Execute Business Process Engine – carries out the execution, orchestration and management of business processes Business Process Services – works with Process Engine and Content Server to deliver a universal integration service Forms User Monitor Business Activity Monitor – provides users with alerts, dashboards, and reports on process execution data that is pulled directly from Process Engine Business Process Monitor 7
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) What is SOA? Title Month Year Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Is a computer systems architectural style for creating and using business processes, packaged as services, throughout their lifecycle. SOA also defines and provisions the IT infrastructure to allow different applications to exchange data and participate in business processes. These functions are loosely coupled with the operating systems and programming languages underlying the applications. Let’s start first with a definition of SOA – Service Oriented Architecture Long before industry coined the phrase, Documentum was founded on service orientation. Let’s step back and look at the concept of service oriented architecture as defined in today’s vernacular. (see slide definition and Notes on Value of SOA below). An architecture style for building business applications as a set of loosely coupled interactive components or services, orchestrated to deliver a well-defined level of service by linking together business processes. There are many different definitions of SOA –much like the version here, But they all contain similar concepts Architecture Loose coupling Services and service levels Business process It is also useful to define what SOA is not: A product Just about Web Services Just another transport The SOA concept of loosely coupled components addresses these concerns. A simple way to think of these component is to drawn an analogy to Lego blocks, a child's toy that has snap together pieces. This provides ultimate flexibility – one day a child can build a car, add specialized pieces like wheels and a steering wheel, the next day he can remove the wheels, pop on a sail and he has a boat. SOA leverages the loosely coupled, interoperable nature of Web Services to enable today’s heterogeneous collections of applications and systems to provide flexible, resilient IT functionality that meets ever-changing business requirements. The magic in SOA comes from the loosely couple components – lets examine that concept next In SOA – linear programs are decomposed into loosely couple reusable services – that can be assembled dynamically Component characteristics Not dependant, changing one will not have a direct affect on any others Not dedicated to each other, not “hard wired” together and find each other when needed through a registry Link dynamically - many on the network accessing each other when needed SOA uses as software building blocks Each component offers a small range of simple services to other components <click> As an example: Before SOA Imagine Sam in Finance builds a loan program that includes a credit check on the customer – Jill in purchasing builds a purchase program that also includes a credit check on the supplier – Duplicate effort in coding, but worse – in the credit check process changes, now you have to locate all the programs that might include the process and rewrite the code. With SOA Now, instead of hard-coding a solution, applications can be assembled The credit check is one service that both applications can call – to make an enterprise wide change, you just need to change that one service Imagine in this example that the company completely changes its approval process – due to a compliance issue or regulation requirement Now is a simple process of updating one service and the entire corporation has access to the updated process Source: 8
The Way We Were Hard wired Redundant Brittle Complex Title Month Year Loan Processing Check credit Review and approval Publish Retain Documents Hard wired Redundant Brittle Complex Difficult to support Challenging to change Almost impossible to secure Initially, companies wrote their own custom code – linear programs that were hard-wired together. Best of breed applications were then sold, providing point solutions. Soon custom and package applications fused together to make a brittle and inflexible infrastructure. It was very difficult to change one application without effecting others. Businesses lost the ability to adapt to their markets and became strangled with the complexity created by the mass of hard-coded applications and their inter-dependancies. As an example: Before SOA Imagine Sam in Finance builds a loan program that includes a credit check on the customer – Jill in purchasing builds a purchase program that also includes a credit check on the supplier – Duplicate effort in coding, but worse – in the credit check process changes, now you have to locate all the programs that might include the process and rewrite the code. Purchasing Verify PO Check credit Post Order Update Payables 9
Interactive Services Loosely coupled components Check Credit Title Month Year Check Credit New Approval Process Review & Approve Customer Request Retain Loosely coupled components Not dependant, changing one will not have a direct affect on any others Not dedicated to each other, not “hard wired” together and find each other when needed through a registry Link dynamically - many on the network accessing each other when needed SOA uses as software building blocks Each component offers a small range of simple services to other components SOA leverages the loosely coupled, interoperable nature of Web Services to enable today’s heterogeneous collections of applications and systems to provide flexible, resilient IT functionality that meets ever-changing business requirements. The magic in SOA comes from the loosely couple components – lets examine that concept next The SOA concept of loosely coupled components addresses these concerns. A simple way to think of these component is to drawn an analogy to Lego blocks, a child's toy that has snap together pieces. This provides ultimate flexibility – one day a child can build a car, add specialized pieces like wheels and a steering wheel, the next day he can remove the wheels, pop on a sail and he has a boat. With SOA Now, instead of hard-coding a solution, applications can be assembled The credit check is one service that both applications can call – to make an enterprise wide change, you just need to change that one service Imagine in this example that the company completely changes its approval process – due to a compliance issue or regulation requirement <click> Now is a simple process of updating one service and the entire corporation has access to the updated process Note to presenter – depress enter to illustrate a service update 10
Transactional Content Management—Input Title Month Year Enterprise input management transforms any type of input into usable data for the enterprise High-speed centralized data as well as ad hoc distributed data The magic is in the intelligent recognition and classification of a mixed set of documents High return on investment and cost-saving impact as well as compliance risk reduction and greatly improved processes Technologies: Capturing Documents Classification Enterprise Report management Electronic forms Input Scanners and faxes Application output Paper and e-forms The input solutions are designed to optimize the capture of and deliver mission-critical information into an organization, thereby transforming paper and electronic forms and documents into accurate, valuable data that can be stored and quickly accessed to speed daily operations, reduce costs, improve customer relations, and meet ongoing compliance initiatives. Input is the central hub to receive all incoming documents and information, regardless of the location. The documents can be received in multiple different formats, such as paper documents, e-mails, electronic forms, computer-generated reports, and much more. Technologies leveraged in this capability are scanning and indexing (transforming paper documents into electronic images), classification, enterprise reports management/computer output to laser disk (COLD), and electronic forms. EMC partners with third-party vendors, such as Adobe, to provide enhanced electronic forms capabilities. Note to Presenter: EMC technologies include: Captiva InputAccel—Manages the capture of information from faxes and scanners. Captiva Dispatcher—Performs high-volume data capture, classification, extraction, and delivery of all data from paper documents, Web forms, e-mail, fax, PDF, EDI, XML, and more. Archive Services for Reports—Captures, stores, and manages fixed content, including enterprise reports and system-generated reports; assigns relevant attributes; and associates this data with applications.
Content Capture Capture Identify Extract Validate Store Title Month Year Content Capture Input Management Captures digital and paper content Captures structured, semi-structured, and unstructured content Delivers to ECM or ERP systems Structured Semi-Structured Unstructured Input Types Capture Identify Extract Validate Store Metadata Author Date From Subject Customer At the most basic of services a content server provides users with are versioning, check in and out and access control. Documentum goes a step beyond that and actually provides a very robust set of ‘Basic Content Services’ with major and minor versioning levels and a separate ‘Current’ flag on the most currently identified version. Check in/out allows users to store files offline for editing and stops other users from editing them while they are checked out. Access control is centrally managed through groups and names in the user directory. Each content object has multiple levels of access for a highly granular access model.
Report Management Capture Normalize Data Extraction Store to ECM Title Month Year Capture All line of business system output – as print streams Migrates previously archived reports, enabling legacy system retirement – huge competitive advantage Input agnostic – think “virtual printer” Normalize Converts all input to PDF PDF/A-compliant archiving – ISO standard for digital preservation Data Extraction Enables classification and application assignment Store to ECM Assign relevant ECM functions (foldering, security, workflows, lifecycle) based on pre-configured rules Content becomes transparently available to users via existing clients
Transactional Content Management—Content Title Month Year Creating one Virtual repository for all content Under your Control Sharing Tools used for this Document Management Digital Assets Management Storage Management Collaboration Integration Input Document Management DAM Paper and e-forms
One Content Repository Title Month Year One Content Repository eMail Sales Force Automation Employee Hard Drives Employee Portals Video Customer Sites Records Order Fulfillment Documents Image Library E-Marketing Email The Disconnected Enterprise The typical company has a countless number of e-business initiatives and applications throughout their global enterprise Unfortunately, all these applications are often disconnected, don’t communicate, or share common content, or processes. Each application has its own content… content that is not leveraged across e-business initiatives… or other applications This causes a disconnected enterprise… where content is reworked and rewritten constantly… wasting time, and causing inefficiencies. Ultimately, companies want to have their applications working together… but integration work is costly and time consuming. Supply Chain Collaboration Manufacturing Web Pages Music Engineering Drawings R&D Video
One Content Repository Title Month Year The Disconnected Enterprise The typical company has a countless number of e-business initiatives and applications throughout their global enterprise Unfortunately, all these applications are often disconnected, don’t communicate, or share common content, or processes. Each application has its own content… content that is not leveraged across e-business initiatives… or other applications This causes a disconnected enterprise… where content is reworked and rewritten constantly… wasting time, and causing inefficiencies. Ultimately, companies want to have their applications working together… but integration work is costly and time consuming.
Content Management Drawings Information Records stored on CD-ROM eMail Music Audio Files Movies Photographs Images Records Information stored on CD-ROM Video Documents
Collaborative Content Management Title Month Year Title Month Year Collaborative Content Management Dashboards Built around a project team metaphor Easy extranet access Configured by business users Pre-configured templates for rapid adoption Visibility across multiple projects Direct repository integration Chat Discussions Notes Links Files Folders Inbox Poll Today we see more and more collaborative capabilities offered as extensions to email applications or portals. Describing collaboration as a convergence of chat, IM and calendars would be a mistake. Those tools alone only offer limited value. The workspace is the centerpiece of collaboration. It is where people, process, content and collaborative tools come together. eRoom invented the workspace. It a proven solution in its 7th Version. It’s translated in 7 languages and used by over 1200 customers. eRooms are built around a project metaphor. That means that members (coordinators, participant or observers) are assigned to a room and have access to the tools that have been added and configured to help the project team access and organize content, communicate and share ideas and assign and manage project tasks and deliverables over the Web either synchronously or asynchronously. eRoom provides powerful project management tools such as a project planner that not only enables you to plan a timeline of deliverables and project milestones, but actually enables you to drive tasks out to team members in real-time and monitor the status of each task and milestone. eRoom also provides a unique Enterprise database that can be configured to help you manage task lists and organize content creation, then manage execution against plan through a dashboard view. eRoom is famous for its ease of use. It’s also very easy to administer. eRoom business users can create and customize Rooms without the help of IT. Within eRooms, the team members can add any of collaboration tools, or objects, to create the perfect team space for supporting how they do their work. Additionally, these tools may be nested to created sub-sections to the room and a team member can leave contextual comments and attach files for virtually every eRoom object. Security Every collaboration object has it’s own access control, meaning that a user may specify who can open, edit or even see a particular eRoom object. For example, if there is a sensitive discussion thread about a new product under development, that discussion may be hidden from everyone on the team except for a select few. Finally eRoom is unique in that if offers pre-configured eRoom templates so that new rooms can be configured and launched almost immediately. IM Presence Calendar Project plans Databases Real-time 18
Transactional Content Management—Compliance Title Month Year Protect your Content Put your policy and fit with other compliance Convert Electronic Documents to Legal Documents. Handle the Archiving Tools used Information Protection & Security Rights Management Electronic Record Management Physical Record Management Retention policy Email Archiving Input Records Management Rights Archiving
Content Management and Records Management Title Month Year Object Becomes A Record Author Control Corporate Control Records Management Declare Classify Legal Rules Regulatory Compliance Business Rules Access Control Activity Retention Disposition Document Creation Collaboration Properties Workflow Store/ Transfer Expunge Documentum Records Manager Time Authoring System
Records Management– What is it…? Title Month Year Record Management Containment Policies Naming Policies File Plan Management Mention that from an end user perspective – this is all transparent. An end user will either drag/drop a document in to the file plan to ‘auto-declare’ a record or use a manual form-based declaration. But the real power of this solution is the way it is architected to allo for a flexible, lower cost, more pervasive solution. What are the key components of the new RM solution? Show them and explain that this presentation will briefly talk about each one. If appropriate this presentation precedes a demo of each piece too. Record Declaration Retention Policies Security
What is Information Rights Management? Title Month Year Secure, scalable and unified archive for all types of content SharePoint Desktop & File System Classify Retain Email / IM Migrate Discover Enterprise Archive Administer Applications & Reports Paper Web Rich Media
Transactional Content Management: Deliver Title Month Year The Right Information to the Right Place at the Right Time Immediate and flexible access to information Automatic information retention based on policies (documents, data and process artifacts) Complete secure and protected access 360-degree view of customer data, documents, and business transactions Tools Used: Search Web Content Management Portals Document generation integrations with Line of Business Deliver Data and documents Business applications Portal During and at the end of a business process, Documentum enables users to view information/documents from multiple different interfaces depending on their job function, such as desktops, portals, or ERP/Line of Business applications. This provides access to the information on-demand and enables your users to have a complete 360-degree view of the entire customer, partner, or supplier. Another aspect of deliver is the ability to create documents based on information and business rules leveraging EMC’s partners. Note to Presenter: EMC technologies include: WebTop—Provides convenient browser-based access to content stored in the Repository. Content Services for SAP—Allows faster and more efficient task completion by managing important business documents and content within the context of SAP application objects like transactions, records, and workflows.
Universal Search Integrate and find all contents Title Month Year Integrate and find all contents Monitor business critical information Co-existence solution Standards: XML Web Services SOAP JRM FTP HTTP SMTP
Web Content Management Title Month Year Web Content Management .com Sites Retail, eCommerce Sites Intra and Extra-net Portals Self-Service Sites Catalog Publishing Approve Demote Content Manager Web Teams Submit Content Owners Web Content Management Multi-Channel Publishing Web Publisher Simplified for non-technical users Web Site Administrator Powerful capabilities to design and manage multiple global sites Site Delivery Services Seamless delivery of content to multiple channels Process services are a set of EMC-Documentum technologies that help customers define, model, and manage business processes consistently and reliably across multiple organizations, systems, and applications. Documentum 5.3 includes new process services that Deliver powerful and easy-to-use tools for design and configuration of processes and integrations without coding Provide a robust process engine for structured, high-volume business processes Integrate unstructured collaborative activities, such as virtual team spaces through event-triggered collaboration with discussions, notes and rooms with membership security. Seamlessly integrate EMC-Documentum managed content and processes with external systems such as SAP, Oracle, enterprise application integration frameworks, and message brokers.Business processes can be transactional, with a structured set of pre-defined tasks (for example, the steps involved in processing invoice payments) to unstructured and collaborative processes (for example, negotiating a contract deal), that bring together people and information to accomplish their objective. While some organizations have departmental programs for automating business processes, most lack a comprehensive framework that drives improvements across the whole enterprise.Only EMC-Documentum delivers services that leverage a unified, highly-scalable platform and collaborative environments for design and execution of business processes enterprise-wide, making it possible for customers to realize greater operational efficiencies, achieve compliance and stay competitive.Lower costs – fewer errors, higher productivity, optimized content reuseBetter decisions through captured analysis, debate and teamworkReduced risk through standardized process templates which assures process compliance.Increased responsiveness – nimble processes, quicker assembly of content and teams, reliable complete information, accelerated information possessing Process services-related painsDelayed time to market due to project and process inefficiencyInconsistent customer service, lack of best practices disciplinePoor headcount efficiencyExisting process and workflow tools cannot model unstructured processes easilyCannot support M&A, off-shoring and partnership strategiesPoor process scalability – cannot grow business with existing processesProcess Services[STS2] EMC-Documentum Process Services exposes centrally-managed information across projects and workspaces, and leverages the unified EMC-Documentum platform to take full advantage of content services such as audit trails, transformations, security, and records management. The new and updated products that comprise EMC-Documentum Process Services are.Documentum Business Process Manager—a graphical modeling environment that provides business users with an easy and flexible interface for designing business processes and simplifies the configuration and integration of each task by eliminating the need for custom coding (IMPROVED)Documentum Business Process Engine—process state management and configurable queue management capabilities such as automated task assignment, monitoring and reporting[MM3] , escalation and suspension, process performance, and timer/deadline triggers (NEW)Documentum Business Process Services—a feature of the Documentum platform’s service-oriented architecture (SOA) that enables integration between Documentum products and external systems including enterprise applications, EAI frameworks and message brokers, external applications and services, and individual users (IMPROVED)Documentum Process Connectors—links that enable integration of Documentum BPM products with best-of-breed third- party applications such as rules engines, simulation environments, and auditing, analytics, and reporting tools (NEW)Event-triggered collaboration – allows for the design and modeling of business processes which may include both automated, repetitive activities as well as unstructured, ad-hoc activities (IMPROVED)[STS4] [STS1]We don’t say anything about “high-volume”, one of the tenants of BPM. Can we? [STS2]Transaction volumes? Do we have anything we can put in there? [MM3]do we really need “aggregate reports" if we have monitoring and reporting... is aggregation that big a deal... in fact, in this case what does aggregation mean? [STS4]Maybe this should be on the ‘Unified Platform’ line Discovery Reports Images Rich Media Web Documents
Document Output Management (DOM) Title Month Year Title Month Year Document Sciences enables highly-effective customer communications management by providing solutions that integrate content and data from varied sources, personalize it and deliver it to customers Batch Print Collateral Design High-Volume Batch Email XML Contracts Web Data Correspondence Document Sciences specializes in enterprise software for generating all kinds of personalized and customized documents throughout an enterprise, such as letters, forms, contracts, statements, marketing mailers and collaterals, catalogs. Archive Real time On-Demand ECM Statements SMS Users: Document Designer IT Architect Customer/End User Operations User 26
One Platform Title MULTIPLE CLIENT ACCESS POINTS Month Year MULTIPLE CLIENT ACCESS POINTS RICH SET OF CONTENT SERVICES Basic Content Services Business Process Management Content Capture Information Rights Management Email Ingestion Web Publishing Security & Rights Management Enterprise Reports Archiving Document Image Management Automatic Information Classification Compound Document Management Lifecycle Management Unified Desktop & Ent. Search Web Site Management Business Process Optimization SAP Archiving ALL CONTENT TYPES Key Messages: The third part of our strategy is to provide access to the repository and content services from virtually any application or client type. On the one hand, EMC Documentum provides its own front- end client, which enables organizations to customize the user experience and to create a focused content management application. On the other hand, we work with a lot of customers who want to use a different application on the front, whether that’s Microsoft Office (with users connecting to the Documentum repository while working in Word or Excel), SAP (where users may need access to correspondence and reports related to a particular customer); or SharePoint (an application we support through our partnership with Microsoft by providing content services behind the SharePoint client). Our goal is to be as pervasive and accessible as possible to encourage the use of the enterprise content repository through applications users are familiar with. Documents Spreadsheets Presentations Notes HTML SGML WML XML Web Images Flash Sound Video Rich Media Paper Fax Images Reports Scanned Images Fixed Email Messages IM Messages Chats Messaging Discussions IM Notes Projects Collaborative 27
Select the solution that fit with your needs, not others’ needs. Next step Title Month Year Understand your needs. Select the solution that fit with your needs, not others’ needs. Take the future in your consideration Start Now, do not be late. Do a Good Planning and go step by step Do not stop, it is a continuous process 28
Thank You Q & A Title Month Year 29