FLC Washington DC Office Gary K. Jones FLC DC Representative FLC NE Regional Meeting “View From DC” New London, CT September 10, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

FLC Washington DC Office Gary K. Jones FLC DC Representative FLC NE Regional Meeting “View From DC” New London, CT September 10, 2014

Overview  Administration Actions  Lab to Market  Miscellaneous Initiatives  R&D Budget (2015 & 2016)  Congressional Actions  General & DOE-focused  FLC Initiatives  FLC Bus, Virtual Meeting

L2M: Overview (From L2M Summit to CAP Goals) ■ White House Cross Agency Priority Goals (President’s Management Agenda) - CAP Goal #7: Lab to Market ■ L2M Cap Goal Action Plan “This action plan is a flexible framework, calling on agencies to tailor and prioritize Lab-to-Market activities specific to their missions, capabilities, and authorities.” (See performance.gov andperformance.gov L2M Action Plan and Status)L2M Action Plan and Status L2M CAP Action Plan Framework: ■ Developing Human Capital ■ Empowering Effective Collaborations ■ Opening R&D Assets ■ Fueling Small Business Innovations ■ Evaluating Impact

Patents for Humanity Patents for Humanity is an awards competition for aiding the less fortunate, by rewarding the use of patented technologies to solve global challenges WIPO-GreenWIPO-Green is an interactive marketplace that promotes innovation and diffusion of green technologies by connecting technology and service providers with those seeking innovative solutions Accelerating green technology transfer to impact American lives Accelerating green technology transfer to impact American lives highlights the FLC Available Technologies search tool (and many examples of ‘green’ tech transfer). (White House blog post; Paul Zielinski, FLC Chair, co-author) Other Administration Initiatives (With FLC Engagement)

Source: AAAS

Federal R&D Budget (FY 2015 Proposed) “[Speaker] Boehner told reporters that the House will pass a short-term continuing resolution to keep the government open sometime in September, avoiding a government shutdown that would otherwise occur on the last day of the month. The legislation would likely expire in early December, he said, punting decisions about the nation's spending to a lame-duck Congress just after the midterm election.” National Journal Daily, 7/25/14

Federal R&D Budget (OMB 2016 S&T Budget Guidance) FY 2016 S&T Budget PrioritiesFY 2016 S&T Budget Priorities (July 18) “The priorities covered in this memo require investments in R&D; support for activities, such as [STEM] education, technology transfer, R&D facilities, and scientific data collection and management, that enable a robust science and technology enterprise; and cooperation among multiple Federal agencies.” Multi-agency Priorities:  Advanced manufacturing  Clean energy  Earth observations  Global Climate Change  IT and high-perf computing  National and homeland security  R&D for informed policy-making

Federal R&D Budget (OMB Management Agenda: CAP Goals and 2016 Budget) Management Agenda Priorities for FY 2016 BudgetManagement Agenda Priorities for FY 2016 Budget (July 18) “The President's Management Agenda seeks to improve the way that Government works and delivers for citizens. It is guided by four pillars: efficiency, effectiveness, economic growth, and people and culture. The Management Agenda is being executed through eight distinct Management Cross-Agency-Priority Goals that fall under these four pillars. …. For each selected goal, we have identified targeted areas for additional information that agencies should address in their budget submissions.” CAP#7: Economic Growth - Lab to MarketCAP#7: Economic Growth - Lab to Market: “Increase the economic impact of Federally-funded research and development by accelerating and improving the transfer of new technologies from the laboratory to the commercial marketplace”

Congressional Actions (113 th Congress) Multiple proposals potentially affecting tech transfer activities (related to STTR and tech commercialization, DOE tech transfer, use of prize competitions, tech commercialization pilot program at NSF, other). TitleNumberDateStatus DOE Mod ActHR 51207/14Passed House (to S.)HR 5120 EINSTEIN ActHR 48696/14Ref. House SSTHR 4869 ATTAIN ActS 21293/14Ref. Senate ENRS 2129 INNOVATES ActS 19731/14Ref. Senate ENRS 1973 TRANSFER ActHR 29818/13 (amended)Ref. House SST&SBHR 2981 CRADA ActHR 17114/13Ref. House SSTHR 1711

Congressional Actions (DOE-centric proposals) Common Components (partly derived from ITIF Turning the Page report (2013):  Reorganization (creating new UnderSec for Science and Energy or creating new Office of Advanced Research, Tech Transfer, and Innovation in Energy - OARTTIE) with tech transfer responsibilities;  Est. commission to review T2 program and make recommendations;  Carry out an Agreements for Commercializing Technology (ACT) pilot based on program developed in 2011  Delegate signature authority to lab directors for agreements under $1M.  Allow lab directors to use funds for early-stage and pre-commercial demonstration activities to demonstrate commercial potential of technologies  Allow DOE-funded researchers to participate in I-Corp (NSF) or establish a DOE T2-Corps (modeled on I-Corps)  Other

Search for a laboratory, funding opportunities, facilities and equipment or a lab-specific program. Contact: Denise Wainer

Contact: Jenna Mancuso

April 28 – 30, 2015

Gary Jones Phone: FLC Washington DC Representative