Lecture 7 Advanced epistasis Ectopic expression in Drosophila Morphogens: secreted ligands
Epistasis headlesstwinhead
Epistasis headless hltwinhead th hl lf th lf phenotype no head; two tails no tail; two heads
Epistasis headless hltwinhead th hl lf th lf phenotype no head; two tails no tail; two heads Head Tail
Advanced Epistasis Why do I always assume that the most epistatic step is at the end of the pathway?
Advanced Epistasis Why do I always assume that the most epistatic step is at the end of the pathway? Can we always assume this?
Example biochemical pathway ABCDE WXY Z E is an essential metabolite
Phenotype of mutants in W, X, Y, Z all can not grow without E in the media.
Phenotype of mutants in W, X, Y, Z all can not grow without E in the media.
Phenotype of double mutants in W, X, Y, Z.
Order of epistasis Z epi to Y epi to X epi to W
Example biochemical pathway ABCDE WXY Z What intermediates accumulates in the mutant?
Accumulated intermediates
Double mutants
Order of epistasis W epi to X epi to Y epi to Z
Order of epistasis W epi to X epi to Y epi to Z Z epi to Y epi to X epi to W
Order of epistasis W epi to X epi to Y epi to Z Z epi to Y epi to X epi to W When you assay along the pathway When you assay at the end of the pathway
Ectopic expression in Drosophila Heat-shock promoter fusion genes Binary or two component system Flip-mediated ectopic expression Combination system I Combination system II
Heat-shock promoter fusion gene YFG hsp Qualities A) high level of expression B) expressed in all cells C) expression is transient
Binary or two component system Fly stock A: UAS lineFly stock B: Driver line YFG GAL4 binding sites UASGAL4 GAL4 Promoter or Enhancer YFG GAL4 Progeny
Binary or two component system Fly stock A: UAS lineFly stock B: Driver line YFG GAL4 binding sites UASGAL4 GAL4 Promoter or Enhancer YFG GAL4 Progeny GAL4
How do you make different GAL4 drivers? A. Construct them Known promoter GAL4
How do you make different GAL4 drivers? B. Screen for them by enhancer trapping. lacZ p P-element transposase promoter: very very weak expression-basically no expression by itself. Enhancer detector
Enhancer structure of a portion of the genome Gut Brain Gonad
Insertion of a enhancer detector lacZ Gonad Gut Brain
Insertion of a enhancer detector Gonad Gut Brain lacZ
How do you make different GAL4 drivers? B. Screen for them by enhancer trapping. GAL4 p P-element transposase promoter: very very weak expression-basically no expression by itself. Enhancer detector
Qualities of Binary system Control temporal and spatial pattern of YFG Expression is not transient Nonexpression of YFG from UASGAL4 allows transformants to be established
YFG FRT y+y+, CD2 Tubulin promoter Flip mediated ectopic expression FLP hsp Heat shock and induce FLP expression
YFG FRT y+y+, CD2 Tubulin promoter Flip mediated ectopic expression Heat shock and induce FLP expression
YFG FRT y+y+, CD2 Tubulin promoter Flip mediated ectopic expression Heat shock and induce FLP expression
YFG FRT y+y+, CD2 Tubulin promoter Flip mediated ectopic expression Heat shock and induce FLP expression Results in a mosaic pattern of expression of YFG: recombination does not occur in all cells
Combination system I YFG FRT y+y+, CD2 UASGAL4 FLP hsp GAL4 Promoter or enhancer
Combination system I YFG FRT y+y+, CD2 UASGAL4 FLP hsp GAL4 Promoter or enhancer Induce FLP expression
Combination system I YFG FRT UASGAL4 GAL4 Promoter or enhancer
What happens? Cell expressing GAL4Cells that have undergone a site specific recombination event
What happens?
Combination system II GAL4 FRT y+y+, CD2 Tubulin promoter YFG UASGAL4 FLP hsp
Combination system II GAL4 FRT y+y+, CD2 Tubulin promoter YFG UASGAL4 FLP hsp Induce FLP expression
Combination system II GAL4 FRT Tubulin promoter YFG UASGAL4
Combination system II GAL4 FRT Tubulin promoter YFG UASGAL4 Results in clones of cells that express YFG
Morphogen Alan Turing-a father of computational sciences In 1952 publishes a paper entitled “A. M. Turing on the chemical basis of morphogenesis.” Not recommended reading
[morphogen] Simplified Turing morphogen model
[morphogen] Simplified Turing morphogen model Fate A Fate B
Morphogen Long range action Forms a concentration gradient of activity Affect polarity Concentration dependent response Different fates at different concentrations
Suspected secreted morphogens Tumor growth factor TGF/decapentaplegic dpp WNT/wingless wg Sonic hedgehog etc./hedgehog hh
TGF/DPP pathway TGF/DPP ligand One eyed pinhead oep Co-receptor in zebrafish Type1. thickvein Type2, punt Smads
One eyed pinhead Schier et al Development
Get similar phenotypes in mice by altering BMP signalling Gilbert Developmental Biology 7th ed
TGF/DPP pathway TGF/DPP ligand Type1. thickvein Type2, punt Smads P
TGF/DPP pathway TGF/DPP ligand Type1. thickvein Type2, punt Smads P P
TGF/DPP pathway TGF/DPP ligand Type1. thickvein Type2, punt Smads P P Nucleus Mad Medea
DPP a morphogen? Long range action YES Forms a concentration gradient of activity YES Affect polarity YES Concentration dependent response YES Different fates at different concentrations YES
Wing imaginal discs
DPP is expressed in gradient Wing imaginal disc dpp mRNA DPP protein
Spalt is a DPP responsive gene Increase [DPP] and spalt response widens
Spalt and octomotor blind are DPP responsive SPT OMB
Spalt and octomotor blind are DPP responsive SPT OMB SPT
Long range action DPP expressed in this cell
Long range action DPP expressed in this cell Directly Affects expression in this cell
Signal relay system DPP expressed in this cell indirectly
TGF/DPP pathway TGF/DPP ligand One eyed pinhead oep Co-receptor Type1. thickvein Type2, punt Smads
Combination system I tkv Q253D FRT y+y+, CD2 UASGAL4 FLP hsp GAL4 ubiquitous expression
UAS-tkv gf CD2 expressionOMB expression
UAS-tkv gf CD2 expressionOMB expression
FLP mediated mitotic recombination with a tkv lf allele
TKV is required right out to the edge of OMB expression domain
Signal relay system DPP expressed in this cell indirectly
no tail expression squint sqt Zebrafish example
no tail expression squint sqt Zebrafish example one eyed pinhead mutant
no tail expression squint sqt Zebrafish example one eyed pinhead mutant Wild-type cell
no tail expression squint sqt Zebrafish example one eyed pinhead mutant Wild-type cell