Module 11 Federal Funds and Single Audits Convery 20131
Understand the issues that arise when federal funds are received and expended Describe a “Single Audit” and when it is required Identify the reports required in a Single Audit Convery 20132
A nonprofit organization that expends (not receives) more than $500,000 in federal financial assistance is required to have a “Single Audit” according to the Single Audit Act of Congress. – 1996 Single Audit Act Amendments – OMB Circular A-133 – OMB Compliance Supplement Sometimes state and local governments “pass- through” federal grants to nonprofit organizations, so they may be subject to Single Audit Act and not realize it. Convery 20133
Identify the CFDA # for each federal award. Convery 20134
OMB Circular A-122 Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations (??) and ◦ details allowable and unallowable costs OMB Circular A-110 Requirements for Grants and Other Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations (??) ◦ details administrative requirements, such as bids and nondiscrimination On the web at Convery 20135
Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit (2/97) Red flags related to poor internal controls often found in small nonprofit organizations: – Lack of management oversight – Lack of job applicant screening procedures – Inadequate recordkeeping – Lack of segregation of duties – Lack of appropriate system of authorization and approval or transactions – Poor physical safeguards over cash, investments, inventory, or fixed assets – Lack of timely and appropriate documentation for transactions – Lack of mandatory vacations for employees performing key control functions. Convery 20136
Some boards are adopting a bylaw or resolution that defines an audit committee’s purpose and responsibilities, just as businesses do. Members should be directors who are not employees of the organization and who have no significant financial relationship with management. Responsibilities include reviewing the organization’s system of internal controls; appointing internal auditors and reviewing their work; recommending an independent auditing firm to the board; reviewing the audit engagement; and reviewing the annual financial statements, opinion rendered, and any management recommendations from the auditors. Convery 20137