Financial Management Service Holden Hogue March 12, 2009 Standardizing, Consolidating, and Optimizing Budget & Financial Management Business Processes and Data
2 How is FMS Standardizing, Consolidating, and Optimizing Budget & Financial Management Business Processes and Data? FMS is: Implementing CGAC Standardizing Financial Management and Budget business processes Standardizing Data Enterprise Data Architecture
3 Implementing CGAC Converting to the Common Government-wide Accounting Classification (CGAC) Structure at FMS = Converting Data from the 2 digit Department Regular codes to 3 digit Agency Identifier codes Adding Bureau Codes that match with the OMB’s Bureau codes to align FMS reports with the Budget Timeline for CGAC Conversion project = current to 2011+
4 Implementing CGAC (cont.) First - FMS needs to inform agencies Sent CFO letter and list of expenditure accounts informing of how codes will change - 6/30/08 Received and incorporated comments Will send CFO Letter and complete account crosswalk from current TAS to new CGAC TAS - 6/30/09 Comments due 7/30/09
5 Implementing CGAC (cont.) Second - FMS needs to Move Agencies to new Department Regular Codes The following agencies will start to use their new 2 digit Agency Identifier and some Main accounts in support of moving to the new Common Government- wide Accounting Classification (CGAC) structure [ 3 digit agency identifier code: Treasury Managed Trust Funds – April 13, 2009 Legislative: January – March 2010 [possible new main accounts] International Assistant Programs (IAP): January – March 2010 [possible new main accounts]
6 Implementing CGAC (cont.) Third - FMS will start to transition From collecting the current Treasury Account Symbols To collecting the CGAC TAS for our transaction and reporting systems beginning in 2011 This implementation plan, per each FMS application, is under development FIRST – GTAS Agency outreach
7 Standardizing Financial Management and Budget Business Processes at FMS Financial Management Lines of Business (FMLoB) Working very closely with OMB and FSIO on: Payment & Funds Management Reimbursables (Buy/Sell) Management Standardize an interagency agreement Develop communication tool for processing reimbursable activity Help in audit finding concerning elimination entries Reporting
8 Standardizing Financial Management and Budget Business Processes at FMS (cont.) Budget Execution and Financial Management Line of Business (BEFMLoB) Identified core budget execution process maps Utilized DOD BTA USSGL SFIS Transaction Library for government-wide use
9 BEFMLoB (cont.) Deficiencies: No single source of data Multiple data exchanges between multiple partners Multiple schemas based on data being exchanged Data not available electronically Agencies Treasury OMB Financial and Budgetary Reporting Data Exchange Current Structure
10 Financial and Budgetary Data Exchange Concept Model: Data Exchange Proposed Structure Benefits: Provides a single source for budgetary and financial data Reduces required number of exchanges Standard data exchange schema Makes data available electronically Data Exchange Concept Model OMB Agencies Treasury BEFMLoB (cont.)
11 Enterprise Data Architecture (EDA) Activities Identifying Government-wide commonly used financial data elements across all major business lines (Collections, Payments, Reimbursements, etc.) Creating and Publishing XML Schemas - uniform and consistent means of exchanging Financial Data Standardizing Financial Data Elements - Financial Data Registry
12 EDA Activities (cont.) Financial Data Registry Implemented The FMS Registry in 2008: Provides an Inventory of Standard Shared Financial Data Documents Data Standards for: Name, Format, Length, Business Definition, Business Owner, etc. Documents Business and Data Integrity Rules
13 EDA Activities (cont.) Financial Data Registry (cont.) XML Schemas Adding additional data elements and data models to the registry as additional business lines are evaluated Publishing interface schemas EDA web site with supporting artifacts
14 FMS Contacts Holden Hogue – Budget Robin Gilliam – CGAC, FMLoB Standardization Ed Coia – Enterprise Data Architecture, XML Schema