U.S. General Services Administration Presented by GSA, Office of Government-wide Policy Office of Asset and Transportation Management Federal Meeting Facilities Tool FedFleet 2012 Monday, June 25, 2012
Administration Documents Executive Order OMB Memorandum M Executive Order OMB Memorandum M
“Delivering an Efficient, Effective, and Accountable Government” - June 13, 2011 Mission is to monitor and promote agency progress in making Government work better, faster, and more efficiently Encourages to realize cost savings by targeting wasteful practices and by reducing, and identifying alternatives to discretionary travel. 3 Executive Order 13576
“Eliminating Excess Conference Spending and Promoting Efficiency in Government” - September 21, 2011 OMB directed by the President to instruct all agencies and departments to conduct a thorough review of the policies and controls associated with conference-related activities and expenses 4 OMB Memorandum M-11-35
“Promoting Efficient Spending” - November 9, 2011 Section 3, Travel, states that agencies should make all appropriate efforts to conduct business and host or sponsor conferences in space controlled by the Federal Government, wherever practicable and cost-effective 5 Executive Order 13589
”Promoting Efficient Spending to Support Agency Operations” - May 11, 2012 Section 1, Travel, urges each agency to spend at least 30 percent less on travel expenses by this memorandum than in FY 2010 No later that 180 days from the date of this memorandum, the DOD and GSA, in consultation with OMB, shall review the Joint Federal Travel Regulations and the Federal Travel Regulation to ensure that the policies reduce travel costs without impairing the effective accomplishment of agency missions 6 OMB Memorandum M-12-12
Web-based application used to collect and display publicly, agency conference and meeting facilities that is under the control of the Federal Government Developed to help Federal agencies maximize shared use of Federal facilities government-wide Provides Federal agencies access to a catalog of conference and meeting space for agencies’ use in hosting or sponsoring conferences 7 Federal Meeting Facilities (FMF) Tool
The tool has two user levels: Database Administrator Data Entry User 8
Database Administrator User can access the tool to provide their agency data User can also modify or delete data provided by any user within their agency 9
Data Entry Access Users can provide their agency data User can only modify or delete data enterer by that individual 10
Populating the tool Each agency provides their meeting space to ensure accuracy of data Appropriate personnel managing the meeting space serves as the agency point of contact 11
12 Sign In Screen
The tool has two components: Data Entry Federal Meeting Facilities (FMF) Report 13
14 Data Entry Screen The cost of using a facility is within the following ranges: $:$0 - $50 $$:$51 - $200 $$$:$201 - $500 $$$$:$501 or more
15 FMF List This report identifies Federal agencies that have conference and meeting space for agencies' use. Conducting business and hosting or sponsoring conferences in space controlled by the Federal Government is one way to reduce travel and related costs
16 FMF List The actual reservation of a conference or meeting space will be through the exchange between the agency requesting use of space and the agency providing available space.
17 FMF List You can search for specific keywords when you enter them in the "Search" box appearing at the top of each column of the table to restrict the list of meeting facilities shown.
18 FMF List You can control the ordering of the entries shown in the table by selecting the corresponding column headings.
19 FMF List You can change the selection of the "Show 'All' entries" option to control how many meeting facilities are shown at a time. You can then move between the pages using the "next" and "previous" controls appearing below the table.
Sample of meeting facility data that includes point of contact information for booking space FMF List – Sample Data
How You Can Help Identify the appropriate agency members that manage or are responsible for your meeting space Provide us with their contact information Populate the tool 21
If you have any questions please contact: Pathina Fitzgerald Marcerto Barr Contact Information