IDENTIFYING THE NEEDS OF MIGRATORY CHILDREN The district has addressed the special educational needs of migratory children (including preschool) as identified in the State Service Delivery Plan and local needs assessment. Sec 1304(b)(1). DISTRICT LEVEL Description of the process used to identify the needs (academic and support) of migrant students (PK-12) and a listing of the data reports used to analyze the needs of migrant students (e.g., Needs Assessment Report, MSIS iGrants data reports). DISTRICT LEVEL Copy of MSIS Supplemental Services Report demonstrating the migrant-funded services provided to students. BUILDING LEVEL Evidence (documentation) informing building staff of the identified needs of migrant students in their building and the activities to be conducted as noted in the approved grant application.
MIGRANT STUDENT SELECTION The district selects migrant students to receive services from other local, state, and federal educational programs on the same basis as other eligible students (e.g., Title I Part A, LAP, etc.). Sec 1112(b)(1)(E)(ii). DISTRICT LEVEL Description of process used to identify and select migrant students to receive services from other non-migrant local, state, and federal educational programs.
PROGRAM COORDINATION The district coordinates services with appropriate non-district local, state and federal programs to provide migrant students a full range of services that address their special educational needs. Sec 1304(b), Sec 1306(a). DISTRICT LEVEL Description of process used to identify migrant students for educational or educationally-related services not provided by the district. DISTRICT LEVEL Copy of MSIS referral form samples (if applicable) indicating services migrant students were referred to with notation that services were received (e.g., HEP, Skills Center, GED Programs, Early Learning Programs, Work Source, parenting classes, nutrition and health education, etc.).
PRIORITY FOR SERVICE The district has addressed the needs of Priority for Service migrant students who are most at-risk of not meeting state academic and achievement standards AND whose education has been interrupted during the regular school year. Sec 1301(1), Sec 1304(d). DISTRICT LEVEL List of Priority for Services migrant students noting the service provided in the Migrant Education Program and/or other programs or a written explanation describing why the PFS student will not be served. BUILDING LEVEL District-provided list of Priority for Service migrant students in the building noting services to be provided by program(s) to meet their identified need or a written explanation describing why the PFS student will not be served.
GRADUATION AND PROMOTION RATES The district monitors the percentage of migrant students enrolled in grades 7-12, eligible for MEP services, which graduated or were promoted to the next grade level. (Government Performance and Results Act 2012 – Title I, Part C) DISTRICT LEVEL Copy of most recent summary report of migrant students enrolled in Grades 7-12, who graduated or were promoted to next grade level. Copy of Secondary Credits Earned Summary Report in MSIS. Documentation of the process used to ensure migrant students in Grades 9-12 are accessing core academic instruction to meet graduation requirements. Samples of secondary migrant student schedules showing course enrollments (elective vs. required).
ATTENDANCE PATTERNS The district has policies or procedures in place to address the attendance patterns of migrant students. RCW 28A (d). DISTRICT LEVEL Copy of MSIS Student Attendance Report highlighting the students with 20 or more days absent. Copy of district policy or procedures regarding attendance and extended absence agreements ensuring the absence will not have an adverse impact on the student’s educational progress. Sample copy of a completed extended absence agreement (if applicable). Description of process the district implements for returning students to ensure the absence did not have an adverse impact on their education.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT All school personnel have been provided professional development to enhance their ability to understand and appropriately respond to the needs of migrant students. Sec 1304(c)(5), Sec 1304(c)(6)(B). DISTRICT LEVEL List of trainings provided to all school personnel as identified in approved grant application professional development plan. Note the number of participants by position and who delivered training. BUILDING LEVEL List of professional development provided to school personnel. Copy of invoices (if applicable). Copy of sign-in sheets (if professional development is provided within district).
REQUIRED TRAININGS MEP staff annually receives required trainings to address program rules and regulations. Sec 1304(c)(6)(B). DISTRICT LEVEL Copies of registration confirmation to attend annual trainings for the following positions (where applicable): Recruiter. Records clerk. Graduation Specialist. Student Advocate. Documentation of annual on-site training with MSDR for recruiter (if applicable).
RECRUITMENT PLAN AND ACTIVITIES The Migrant Education Program district recruiter is allotted sufficient time and flexibility to conduct identification and recruitment activities throughout the district boundaries. Sec 1304(c)(7). DISTRICT LEVEL Copy of district developed migrant student identification and recruitment plan that includes: Mapping of recruitment boundaries Process to ensure staff are fully trained in recruitment requirements and receive on-going training. Annual plan identifying peak recruitment periods, locations to be targeted, and process to conduct program revalidations. Process to assess quality control to ensure consistency in identifying eligible migrant students. Process to evaluate achievement of plan and I/R efforts. Copy of recruiter log demonstrating recruitment activities. Copy of COE completion report.
RECORDS CLERK The district’s program records clerk is provided sufficient time to report the services migrant students have received into the migrant student database system (MSIS). Sec 1308 (a)(2). DISTRICT LEVEL Copy of MSIS District Reporting Summary. Copy of records clerk schedule demonstrating timeline for collection of data and system reporting.
GRADUATION SPECIALIST/STUDENT ADVOCATE The district’s Migrant Education Program Graduation Specialist and/or Student Advocate ensure services are provided to meet the identified needs of migrant students in alignment with state developed job descriptions Sec 1304(b)(1). DISTRICT LEVEL GRADUATION SPECIALIST: List of student caseload and migrant funded services provided. Documentation of selection process and log activity sheet demonstrating staff is meeting the identified needs of migrant students including non-academic/academic activities, student advocacy, and post-secondary education career exploration. STUDENT ADVOCATE: Documentation of selection process and log activity sheet demonstrating staff is meeting the identified needs of migrant students including non-academic/academic activities, student advocacy, and post-secondary education and career exploration.
PARENT ADVISORY COUNCIL The district has a Parent Advisory Council (PAC) that is consulted in the planning and operation of the program. Sec 1304(c)(3). DISTRICT LEVEL Listing of parent advisory council members. Meeting minutes noting dates members selected. Copies of Certificate of Eligibility indicating parents are eligible for the program at the time of election/appointment to the council. Copy of minutes/notes of meeting where planning took place.
PARENT ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES The district has implemented parent engagement activities as noted in approved grant application. Sec 1304(b)(1). DISTRICT LEVEL List of activities conducted with migrant parents by date. Copy of sign-in sheet with migrant parents highlighted. Copy of completed evaluation/feedback process used with engagement activities.
ALLOWABLE ACTIVITIES Activities charged are allowable. OMB A-87, OMB A-133. DISTRICT LEVEL Two months transaction recaps (October of current fiscal period & May of previous fiscal period). One example of back-up documentation for one activity. Copy of equipment/inventory of items purchased with program funds since 9/1/2009 and current location. Sample of staff schedule and listing of migrant students served noting content area.