Tujuan : Mahasiswa dapat Menunjukkan teknik sorting dalam pemograman terstruktur dengan menggunakan pseudocode
Sort instructions arrange records in an order based on a field or fields within each record Jenis Sort : > Ascending from smallest to largest > Descending from largest to smallest Primary Key & Secondary Key
Initialize the sort work area Sort instruction require at least one temporary soft file Be set up by the program Automatically written to the output file specified
First step : Swap / interchange first entry with higest entry
Second Step : Swap second enry with highest value (exclude first entry)
Third Step : Swap third entry with highest value (exclude first two entries)
Fourth Step : Swap fourth entry with highest entry (exclude first three entries)
Fifth Step : Swap fifth entry with highest value (exclude first four entries)
Sixth Step : Swap sixth entry with highes value (exclude first five entries)
Seventh Step : Swap seventh entry with highest value (exclude first six entries)
Eight Step : Swap eight entry with highest value (exclude first seven entries)
Ninth Step : Swap ninth entry with highest value (exclude first eight entries)
First step : Compare and swap adjacent entries in the entire array
Second step : Compare and swap adjacent entries (exclude the last entry)
Third step : Compare and swap adjacent entries (exclude the last two entries)
Fourth step : Compare and swap adjacent entries (exclude the last three entries)
Fifth step : Compare and swap adjacent entries (exclude the last four entries)
Sixth step : Compare and swap adjacent entries (exclude the last five entries)
Seventh step : Compare and swap adjacent entries (exclude the last six entries)
Eight step : Compare and swap adjacent entries (exclude the last seven entries)
Ninth step : Compare and swap adjacent entries (exclude the last eight entries)
Maksimal 5 Orang untuk 1 Kelompok Buat Latihan Logic Exercise soal no.6 hal 241 dari buku “Programming Logic for Business – Laura Saret” Buat Pseudocode dan flowchartnya Kumpulkan minggu depan