4/28/2015 1 The US E-Government Experience Tony Frater E-Government Portfolio Manager Office of Management and Budget Public FTAA.ecom/inf/135 June 4,


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Presentation transcript:

4/28/ The US E-Government Experience Tony Frater E-Government Portfolio Manager Office of Management and Budget Public FTAA.ecom/inf/135 June 4, 2002 Original: English

4/28/ E-Government is a major management initiative for the USG The Vision: an order of magnitude improvement in the federal government’s value to the citizen; with service in minutes or hours, not weeks or months. The Definition: the use of digital technologies to transform government operations in order to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and service delivery. The Principles: r Citizen Centered r Results Oriented r Market Based

4/28/ Why We Focus on E-government: We Live in a Web of Information Interdependency Intra-Governmental Inter- governmental Government to Business Government to the public

4/28/ Results of Benchmarking Studies Successful e-business organizations: - are highly coordinated across the organization and implement enterprise strategies - streamline operations & processes before investing in new technologies - use an enterprise architecture (EA) to guide and transform processes and systems

4/28/ US E-Government Hurdles Currently: - about 20% of the USG IT budget is spent on redundant systems - many of the USG’s 3000 IT systems do not have a good business case….which means they are at risk of failing million web pages across the 22,000 USG websites transactions need to be consolidated and put on-line 1000 are internal USG transactions

4/28/ Duplication makes it hard for citizens to find and get service

4/28/ Four portfolios to get the USG connected to citizens Individuals: building easy to find one-stop-shops for citizens -- creating single points of easy entry to access high quality government services. Businesses: reduce burden on businesses through use of Internet protocols and by consolidating redundant reporting requirements. Intergovernmental: make it easier for states to meet reporting requirements, while enabling better performance measurement and results. Internal efficiency and effectiveness: reduce costs for government administration by using best practices in areas such as procurement, financial management, and knowledge management.

4/28/ Examples of E-Government Initiatives - Trade Streamlining make trade services offered by the USG to exporters more accessible - Business Compliance One-Stop online tutorials that help businesses understand which rules & regulations apply to them - Mexico, Canada & USG Trade project use new e-business standards to accelerate and simplify trade - Integrated Acquisition adopt private sector model for e-markets in USG procurements

4/28/ Success requires governance 1. The President’s Management Scorecard 2. Long-term commitment by Senior Management 3. All investments need a business case 4. Strict adherence to the Enterprise Architecture

4/28/ Tony Frater Questions? The US E-Government Strategy: