What’s Next?
Phase 2 Administrative Functions Report Generation NPL Reviews
Phase 3 Plan of Work Updates
Annual Report of Accomplishments and Results A future phase of the One Solution
Why are we asking for this data? And what are we going to do with it?
OMB PART OMB’s Program Assessment Rating Tool –Program Purpose & Design –Strategic Planning –Program Management –Program Results CSREES Goal 1 Portfolio reviewed 2004; Goals 3 & 5 in 2005; Goals 2 & 4 in 2006
Current fully aligned USDA-REE- CSREES Strategic Goals: 1. Enhance economic opportunities for agricultural producers 2. Support increased economic opportunities and improved quality of life in rural America 3. Enhance protection and safety of the nation’s agriculture and food supply 4. Improve the nation’s nutrition and health 5. Protect and enhance the nation’s natural resource base and environment
Strategic Plan & Portfolios Strategic Plan on CSREES website ( Appendices provide Problem Area Code structure and Portfolios
Explanatory Notes/Budget Justifications Introduction: national problem, why important & how CSREES plans to solve problem How CSREES plans to spend funds What would happen if funding not received
Budget justifications (cont.) Draw on past accomplishments Identify performance measurements and evaluation plans Acknowledge and deal with environmental complexities Cover 57 funding lines (64 programs)
Evaluating Research & Education Efforts: Portfolio Approach OMB demands led to development of new portfolio assessment tool and measures; POW updates Portfolio analysis (meta-analysis) used to assess progress toward goals; guide RFAs/POWs Tracking papers, citations, patents, products, educational efforts, adoption of products/ practices Uses OMB R&D criteria (relevance, quality, performance)
“Portfolio” as a new concept Portfolio as unit of analysis is new concept -- Funding lines, programs, and organization of CSREES work units had not included portfolios Use of Expert Panels Use of Knowledge Areas codes for all CSREES classification is new concept Allows numerous complex interrelated programs and funding lines to be described as they address objectives and goals of USDA
References CSREES Plan of Work Web Page – Plan of Work Training – Bart Hewitt –
End of Module 6 Bart Hewitt –