P2 Metrics - a National Goal Beth Anderson Pollution Prevention Division Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
Project Goal Establish core P2 measures Pounds Gallons BTU equivalents $ Dollars What was the pay off for P2?
Procedure Description Use 2003 as Baseline Year Use NPPR report summarizing P2 results as a model Dialogue with State programs and EPA Regions
Proposed measures #1 Reduce pollution by ____ pounds Include: hazardous waste solid waste air emissions water pollution
Proposed Measures #2 Conserve ___ BTUs of Energy: use conversion factors if energy is fuel, kWh, etc. #3 Conserve ___ Gallons of Water #4 Save ___ Dollars: to track the money saved as a result of P2 practices being implemented
Strengths Some P2 programs already collect activity information There sources of data already in place: P2 award programs EMS plans Enforcement actions Case studies
Difficulties Data Quality How Data will be used Time - Cost - Person hours for data collection Technical Difficulties
Schedule Baseline year is 2003 Start to gather data FY 04 Create a Biennial Report: for Congress, State Legislatures, OMB
Summary spent $60 million to prevent 600 million pounds of pollution P2 Grants are only 1% of EPA grant funds to States ($6 million out of a total of $600 million) Nothing to fear but no answers