Welcome to Welcome to Santa Ana College Last updated 5/1/14 NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION
The Purpose of Orientation: Provide you with basic information about SAC & Educational Planning Assist you with class selection and on-line registration for your first semester Review of your Placement Test Scores
SAC Assessment Form Test Results Your Placement Test Results English Math
English Assessment ClassCTEP ( Adjusted score ) English N English N English English Raw Score Adjusted Score Based on adjusted score only
SAC English Course Sequence English N50 (3 units) Intro. to Written Communication English N60 (3 units) Basics of Effective Writing English 061 (3 units) Introduction to Composition English 101 or 101H (4 units) Freshman Composition English 102 or 102H (3 units) Literature and Composition English 103 or 103H (4 units) Critical Thinking and Writing Student Planning Guide, Page 5
ESL/EMLS Assessment Adjusted Score Based on adjusted score only Raw Score ClassAdjusted Score Continuing Education Classes0 – 32 EMLS – 43 EMLS – 51 EMLS – 58 EMLS – 66 ESL – 73 ENGLISH –75
English as a Second Language (ESL) Program ClassRec’d Speech ClassRec’d Reading Class EMLS 055 (4 units) Writing, Grammar & Reading I Com. N52A (3 units)Reading N50 or N80 EMLS 107 (4 units) Writing, Grammar & Reading II Com. N52AB (3 units)Reading N80 EMLS 109 (4 units) Writing, Grammar & Reading III Com. 096, 097 (3 units) Com. N53 (3 units) Reading N90 EMLS 110 (3 units) Intro. To the Essay Com. 096, 097 (3 units) Com. N53 (3 units) Reading N90 or 102 EMLS 112 (3 units) Advanced Composition Com. N50 (3 units)Reading 102 English 101 or 101H (4 units) Freshman Composition Com. 101 (3 units) Interpersonal Com. Com. 102 (3 units) Public Speaking Reading 150 Student Planning Guide, Page 5
Reading Assessment ClassCTEP ( Adjusted score ) Reading N Reading N Reading 102 Eligibility for English 061 Reading 150 Eligibility for English 101 Raw Score Adjusted Score Based on adjusted score only
Math Assessment Raw Score Adjusted Score Based on adjusted score only
Math Cut Off Score Level IIICut Score Take Level II Exam 0-17 Math 105/140/145 or Math Math 150 or 160 Bus Calc or Trig Level IVCut Score Take Level III Exam 0-15 Math 170 Pre-Calculus Math 180 Calculus Level ICut score Math N05 Basic Math (Cont. Education Center) 0-9 Math N06 Basic Math11-20 Math N48 Pre-Algebra21-34 Math 060 Elementary Alg Level II.Cut score Take Exam Math 060 Elementary Alg Math 070 Geometry or Math 080/
/ 081 New Math Courses Math 083 Beginning & Intermediate Algebra for Liberal Arts & Social Science Majors Math 084 Beginning & Intermediate Algebra for STEM & Business Majors
Math/Science/Engineering Business / Social Science Liberal Arts Psychology 210 Statistics for Social & Behavioral Sciences New Approved Math Courses
Weekly Study Requirement Units = 12 hrs. of class Studying = hrs. Working = 20 hrs. (part-time) Total = 56 – 60 hours Full-time students Part-time students 7 Units = 7 hrs. of class Studying = 14 hrs. Working = 40 hours (full-time) Total = 61 hours Student Planning Guide, Page 2
How many classes should I take? Full-time student take at least 12 units Athletic eligibility take at least 12 units If you work… Consider enrolling in… 40 hrs. a week6 unit(typically 2 classes) 30 hrs. a week9 units (typically 3 classes) 20 hrs. a week12 units (typically 4 classes) 5-15 hrs. a week14-16 units (4 or more classes) Note: The majority of A.A/G.E./Transfer courses are 3 units. Student Planning Guide, Page 3
What General Ed. plan is best for me? PLAN A PLAN A - Associate Degree Only (60 Units Total, 24 GE Units) PLAN B PLAN B - AA Degree & Transfer to the CSU (60-70 Units Total, GE Units) PLAN C PLAN C - AA Degree & Transfer to the UC or CSU & Some Private Univ.’s (60-70 Units Total, Units) Student Planning Guide, Page 3 & Page 8-13
AA-T and AS-T Degrees Highlights of the AA-T/AS-T Degrees: AA and transfer degrees for CSU’s Provides common major preparation courses for CSU’s Provides slight GPA bump for CSU admissions Example: CSU Fullerton 2.7 GPA for Fall 2014 transfer admissions Student has 2.6 GPA +.1 bump = 2.7 GPA for admissions Student has 2.6 GPA +.1 bump = 2.7 GPA for admissions
Vocational Certificate MAJOR COURSES ONLY A series of special major courses, all related to a particular occupational skill. Can be helpful in obtaining or upgrading employment Requirements: Examples: Business Applications, Electronics, Auto Tech, CIS Total Units: (Varies) Min. 12 units
Associate Degree Usually referred to as AA or AS (Assoc. of Arts or Sciences) Offered by community colleges Major Courses General Education Courses Plan A (24 units) Elective Courses + + Requirements: Total Units: Min. 60 units Examples: Business Admin., Liberal Arts, Nursing, Paralegal Student Planning Guide, Page 8
Student Planning Guide Page 16 Certificate Info. AA/AS Info. AA-T/AS-T Info.
Transfer Programs UNIVERSITY Lead to TRANSFER to a UNIVERSITY (UC / CSU / Private / Out-of-State) Classes count toward completion of a Bachelor’s Degree Major Courses General Education Courses Plan B or C (36-45 units) Elective Courses + + Requirements: Total Units: units Examples: Engineering, Teacher Education, Business Admin. Student Planning Guide, Page & 12-13
What’s your goal SAC? 1) Transfer to University Would like to attend a 4-year institution such as a UC, CSU or Private and earn a B.A. or B.S. You can obtain an A.A./A.S./A.A.-T or A.S.-T while getting units toward transfer, 2-4 years Examples: Biology, Business Administration, Criminal Justice, Psychology, etc… 2) Associates Degree Earn an A.A. or A.S by graduating from a community college. Not planning to transfer at this time, timeline: 2-4 years Examples: Fire Technology, RN Nursing, Speech Pathology Assistant, etc… 3) Technical Certificates A series of special major courses, all related to a particular occupational skill. Timeline: 1-2 semesters Examples: Medical Assistant, Welding, Entrepreneurship, etc… Student Planning Guide, Pages 2-3
Courses that improve basic skills English / ESL, Math, Reading & Study Skills Counseling classes General education classes Intro. classes in a career/area of interest Courses of personal interest to you Courses for Your First SAC
Did you place into MATH 060 in the level II math test ? Would you like to complete two MATH courses in one semester? MATH 083 (6 units) Elementary & Intermediate Algebra for Liberal Arts Majors –M/W 8:00 am – 11:10 am –M/W 1:15 pm – 4:25 pm MATH 084 (6 units) Elementary and Intermediate Algebra for Math, Science and Business majors –M/W 7:30 am – 10:40 am –Tu/Th 11:30 am – 2:40 pm –Tu/Th 6:00 pm – 9:10 pm
Freshman Experience Program (Fresh X Program) Paired Classes Coordinated workload College Success and Career Planning Help Close Connection with College Instructors Typical Format of Most Fresh X courses: English Course + Counseling Course Math Course + Counseling Course
Puente Program Paired Classes (English 061+ Cnsl. 107) Writing support Academic Counseling and Mentoring U-Link Program (English 101 & Math 81 Eligible) U-Link Program (English 101 & Math 81 Eligible) Transfer Program to UC, CSU, and Privates Univ. Guaranteed Admission to UC Irvine from SAC UCI library Privileges & Faculty Presentations Service Learning (100 hrs. fieldwork)
To put a class schedule together: When to take classes… How many classes to take… What classes to take… How to schedule your classes… Also need Your test scores & the class schedule You need to know:
Freshman Experience: U-LINK Sample Plan COURSE TITLE &UNITSSection #TIMEDAYINSTRUCTORROOM NUMBER Music :30 – 10:55 AMT THSanchez, G.N-114 Counseling :45 – 3:55 PMWStaffA-130 English Math MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY 8:00-8:30 8:30-9:00 Math 9:00-9:30 9:30-10:00 Music :00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 English 12:00-12:30 12:30-1:00 Counseling 107 1:00-1:30 1:30-2:00 2:00-2:30 2:30-3:00 1.Pick up Fresh X cohort sheet from a Counselor 2. Add an English and Math course to your schedule
Sample Class Schedule COURSE TITLE &UNITSSection #TIMEDAYINSTRUCTORROOM NUMBER Math :15-2:45 PMMW English N6037:35 – 9:35 AMTTH Reading N90A38:00 – 9:25 AMMW Art :00 -12:25 PMTTH MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY 8:00-8:30 ReadingEnglish N60 ReadingEnglish N60 8:30-9:00 9:00-9:30 9:30-10:00 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30Art :30-12:00 12:00-12:30Math :30-1:00 1:00-1:30 1:30-2:00 2:00-2:30 2:30-3:00
College Information How does college work?
Academic Calendar Fall 2014 August 25 Instruction Begins September 7 Last day to add and to drop full-term classes without “W” grade with enrollment fee refund for full semester. November 16 Last Day to Drop with “W” for full semester. December 14 Instruction Ends
Adding a full class Option 1: WAIT LIST Note: There is no wait list option for students during the Early Registration process. Option 2: ADD CODE
Dropping a class It’s your RESPONSIBILITY Drop your course on-line (Web Advisor) Last day to drop: without a “W” – Sept. 7 th with a “W” - Nov. 16 th Note: You do not need instructor’s signature to drop a course “F” Grade
How much will it cost to attend SAC?
College Tuition and Fees CA Resident Students (Per Semester) Enrollment$46 per unit Health Fees$19 per semester Student Services Fees$7.50 (optional) Parking Fees$30 per semester $20 if you are qualified for fee waiver. Part-time student (6 units) $276 Full-time student (12-15 units)$552 - $690 AB540 Students Same as above if your CA residency paperwork has been processed. International & Out of State $220 per unit plus all the above enrollment fees. Note: All fees and tuition are subject to changes based on State Legislator or Community College Governing Board. Student Planning Guide, Page 14
Other Costs? BOOKS ! $60.00 X 4 CLASSES = $ $80.00 X 4 CLASSES = $ Math & Science Textbooks $100 to $175 each
It consists of grants, work study, and loans. To apply, you must complete the FAFSA. (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Who can apply for Financial Aid? Students must be legal U.S. residents to apply for FAFSA. AB540 (undocumented) students are only eligible for state financial aid (California Dream Act Application) and can Financial Aid Basics Student Planning Guide, Page 15
Free Gift Aid: – BOGW – Grants Federal State Institutional/Private – Scholarships Institutional Private Self-Help Aid: –Loans Federal Private –Work Study Federal Institutional Financial Aid Apply for the: FAFSA & Cal Grants
Other Sources of Assistance to Pay for College EOPS Book Services Buy a Book Society -$100 scholarship for FEP and honors students Teacher Ed. and MESA Textbook Loan Programs Outreach Lending Library ASG “Work for Your Book” Program Rolling Scholarships – Esp. AB540 Students
Fees/Payment Policy (Payment & ID cards: Cashiers Office, Admissions Building) Payment Deadline: Early Decision Students: Pay tuition/fees by June 30 th ! Note: You will be dropped from classes if you do not pay by August 6 th Returning Students & Other New Students: Fees must be paid within 3 calendar days of registering for courses or you will be dropped for non-payment. Payment Options: Online: In Person: or By Mail: Cashier’s Office S-104 SAC Address There is no plan for partial payment and no exceptions to this policy. Questions? Call
Registration Steps
Click Here
User Name Example: JB15482 (Initials + 5 digits) Password: Rocky01 (Birthday)
Steps to Change Password New Password: Part Number + Part Letter Example: Rocky01
Click Student
Pay your fees & tuition View your financial aid award CLICK HERE to begin registering for your classes Grades Class Schedule Transcripts
Term – Fall 2014 Location – Santa Ana College Select Subject & Course Number LEAVE Bottom Fields Blank! Click Submit
1. Click to select course 2. Click submit after you select your course
1. Select Register 2. Click Submit
Please remember to take the EARLY DECISION survey after you register for your classes!