P UESTA DEL S OL PTA PRINCIPAL COFFEE SEPTEMBER 24, 2014 M ISSION Puesta del Sol is a Spanish Immersion School that ensures a Spanish language learning experience in which all students thrive academically and socially as members of a caring and safe community.
VISION Collaborative and Inclusive Grounded in sound theory and practice Consistent with the Puesta del Sol Mission Aligned with the BSD Mission, Goals and Instructional Initiatives Focused on the needs of students Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
T HE B ELLEVUE S CHOOL D ISTRICT Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
B ELLEVUE S CHOOL D ISTRICT I NSTRUCTIONAL I NITIATIVES Preparing students for academic success in core content areas through achieving proficiency in literacy, math, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) as measured by state assessments. Acade mic Succe ss Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
How well are students performing at Puesta del Sol?
B ELLEVUE S CHOOL D ISTRICT I NSTRUCTIONAL I NITIATIVES Preparing students for college and career success by meeting college academic distribution requirements (CADR) and earning at least 20 (quarter) college credits and/or professional certification. College and Career Ready Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
B ELLEVUE S CHOOL D ISTRICT ’ S K-12 I NTERNATIONAL S PANISH A CADEMY Puesta del SolK-5 Full immersion with 1 hour of English instruction added in 3 rd – 5 th grades Tillicum Middle School6-8 2 classes each year within the academy as well as 8 th grade taking the DELE B1 Newport High School9-12 AP Spanish Language / Honors Hispanic Studies / AP Spanish Literature / Honors ISA & DELE B2 & UW 32 For more info, Google “Spanish Dele B”
B ELLEVUE S CHOOL D ISTRICT I NSTRUCTIONAL I NITIATIVES Preparing students for a positive and productive life through the development of interpersonal skills and a commitment to the community. Positive and Productive Life Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
Less skilled: Conduct problems Aggressive behavior Hyperactivity/attentio n problems Risky sexual behavior Substance Abuse Social deviance Anxiety Depression More skilled: Empathy Well-being Adaptability to school Quality relationships with parents & peers Prosocial behavior Satisfaction with school Leadership skills Academic achievement 14 Emotional Intelligence among Students See Brackett, Rivers, & Salovey, 2012 for a review Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
RULER S KILLS FOR E MOTIONAL L ITERACY Emotional Intelligence is the knowledge and skills pertaining to: Recognizing, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing, and Regulating emotion It includes valuing the importance of learning and teaching these skills to promote effective personal, social, and workplace success. Salovey & Mayer, 1990; Mayer & Salovey, 1997; Brackett & Rivers, 2010 Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
THE FOUR ANCHORS As a class, we want to feel… Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
LEARN MORE Website: ei.yale.edu Ted Talk: Search for Marc Brackett Facebook: The Ruler Approach Youtube: Search for Marc Brackett District Website: Search Social and Emotional Learning Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
VISION Collaborative and Inclusive Grounded in Sound Theory and Practice Consistent with the Puesta del Sol Mission Aligned with the BSD Mission, Goals and Instructional Initiatives Focused on the needs of students Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
L EADERSHIP P RIORITIES 1.Campus and Facilities Needs 2.Immersion Program Coordination and Advancement 3.Staff Support 4.Family Support 5.Student Success Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
C AMPUS AND F ACILITIES N EEDS Student and Staff Safety Dean of Students, front door staff, security cameras, Faculty Advisory Committee Parking and Traffic Collaboration with neighborhood, BPD, BSD, PTA Campus Beautification Building Reconstruction Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
I MMERSION C OORDINATION AND A DVANCEMENT Elementary Principals then Staff K-12 Alignment and Advancement Teacher Recruitment International Spanish Academy, the UW, Seattle’s Honorary Consulate of Spain Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
S TAFF S UPPORT Building Community, Cohesiveness and Goal Focus Working Hard, Working Smart & Staying Centered Healthy Teachers = Healthy Classrooms Celebrating Efforts and Successes Supporting Individual Needs and Grade Level Priorities Innovating and Advancing Culture of Leadership in Field of Immersion Education Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
F AMILY S UPPORT Ana Lewis, Sharon Hill, Kelley Lee and Karen Ruby Teachers as regular first point of contact Communication From teachers, support staff and me Consistent and timely Strong Collaboration with PTA Updating and Advancing our Communication Strategies Website, Reader Board, Boletín Trimestral Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
S TUDENT S UCCESS Academic: School Goal and Mindset of 100% Growth, 100% Proficiency! Cohesive, high-functioning systems and teams (Instructional Leadership Team, Guidance Team, Multi-Disciplinary Team) Differentiated grade level needs, priorities Immersion collaboration (school, district, region) and professional development Supporting struggling learners, students at grade level and advanced learners Differentiation, challenge and enrichment (Academic Challenge, Passport, Arts, Robotics, etc.) Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
S TUDENT S UCCESS Social-Emotional Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence (RULER) School-wide Positive Behavior Supports (PBIS) Community-building activities (Walkathon, assemblies, etc.) Enrichment activities School-level supports (Guidance Team, Multi-Disciplinary Team) Individual student and family supports (Teacher, Ana Lewis, Sharon Hill, Kelley Lee, Karen Ruby and me) Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day
H OW CAN YOU HELP ? Reinforce and support teachers’ efforts Start with the teacher if you have questions or concerns about classroom-based issues Give back whenever possible (volunteer in classrooms, lunch & recess) Support us financially through PTA and BSF Support us as we innovate and advance our program Remember that we can’t tackle everything at once Every Student, Every Classroom, Every Day