Online testing EDUPHORIA
Create a .csv (comma delimited) file containing the local student id number for every student in the grade level that is testing and a password. (No set column widths or row heights.) The password can be one generic password that all students can use or you can assign a different password to each student. When a student tests online, he/she will need his/her student id and a password. Their password is whatever you made it. Of course, the student will have to be told what his/her password is. Don’t put column or row titles in the spreadsheet. Populate it exactly as is shown and then upload this file into eduphoria (directions on how to do that are following in the next few slides).
To Upload Student Ids and Passwords Switch Applications to School Objects: management
Click on Roster tab
Click on Import Student Passwords
2. Upload the file 1. Insert the csv file that contains the student id numbers and passwords After the file has uploaded, you will see a message below the browse/upload icons that tells you the number of files (students) that were processed. This means you have successfully uploaded your students for online testing.
(Graphics on following slides.) Create your test in Eduphoria just like you normally would. Then click on: Students (tab next to Administration) Assigned Students (1) all students in the test’s grade level (bubble in) Administration (tab) Online (2) Allow online testing (place checkmark in box) (3) Allow teachers to enable online testing for their classes (bubble in) (Graphics on following slides.)
1. Click on Students tab Choose all students in the test’s grade level
1. Click on Administration tab All of this stays the same…no changes from the way the test was originally created. Be sure and continue to keep Third-Party Answer Sheets clicked if you want to also be able to allow answer documents to be scanned for this test, too. Click on Allow online testing 3. Click on Allow teachers to enable online testing for their classes.
Name of Test: Motion and Speed Test Know name of test so that students will know which test to click on when they log in to test. Notice Online Testing Path Students will use this address to access their online test.
Click on Test Available
Click on Motion and Speed Test
Click on the period that contains the students who will be testing
Click on Start Give the system enough time to load everything. The students will then be ready to test online. Have them log in to: and click on the applicable test.
Student login screen looks like this:
Click on the name of the test Click on Next
Student will click on answer choice Click Next to go to next question Online Ruler Online Highlighter
Answer question #2 and click on Previous to go back to the previous question or Next to go to question #3.
Options: Submit Test Without Filling in Answers Save Test (and finish later) Score Test
You May Now Go to Eduphoria and View Student Data Immediately