Tactical Route Exchange Anders Brodje, PhLic Swedish Maritime Administration
Tactical Route Exchange Intended Route To make part of a vessel’s planned route available for other vessels to see using the ECDIS. Current position + time or # of waypoints ahead. Based on the already existing voyage plan (as required by SOLAS) and normally already in the ECDIS. Use the Maritime Cloud or AIS for information transfer. Own Ship Other Ship
Tactical Route Exchange Route Suggestion To make a vessel’s planned route available for VTS in order to better plan a passage through a VTS area. Based on the already existing voyage plan (as required by SOLAS) and normally already in the ECDIS. Use the Maritime Cloud or AIS for information transfer. Multiple Vessel Movements Route to be avoided Preferred Route
“The perception of the elements in the environment within a volume of time and space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status in the near future” (Endsley, 1988) Can exchange of route information increase SA? Initiated in EfficienSea ( ) Augmented in Accseas and MONALISA ( & MONALISA2.0 Tactical Route Exchange Increased Situational Awareness
Tactical Route Exchange Situation Awareness for Multiple and Distributed Operators Teams: Two or more players sharing Goals, have Specific Roles and are Interdependent Team of Teams:
Tactical Route Exchange Shared Situational Awareness “The degree to which every team member possesses the SA required for his or her task” (Endsley, 1989) Only individuals can have SA – there is no “suprabrain” to create Shared SA The less overlap of tasks, the less information needs to be exchanged for Shared SA SA hall not be the same for two team members; this will lead to information overload (which has to be understood by the involved team members) Own vessel Other vessel VTS
Based on the E-navigation Prototype Display (EPD) – ECDIS-like / VTS-system like Several trial during the course of the project, latest in autumn 2014 at Flensburg and Chalmers Highly experienced Pilots, Mariners and VTS-operators Several scenarios with varying conditions Tactical Route Exchange Trials
Survey 1. What is your opinion about the tested intended route concept? 2. Do you think a similar intended routes concept will become reality in the future? Tactical Route Exchange Intended Route
Assisted verbal communication between vessels Supported an increased Shared SA between vessels and vessels-VTS “There is something wrong with the system, I can’t see the route for that ship!!” Tactical Route Exchange Intended Route
Survey 1. What is your opinion about the tested suggested route concept? 2. Do you think a similar suggested routes concept will become reality in the future? Tactical Route Exchange Suggested Route
Assisted verbal communication between Mariner and VTS Supported an increased Shared SA “I will send you a route suggestion so that you will see what I mean” Tactical Route Exchange Suggested Route
Increased Shared SA vessel(s)-vessel(s), and vessel(s)-VTS Two services ready for deployment The updated ECDIS standard will include this functionality (update in late 2015) Will need to be incorporated in ECDIS training Tactical Route Exchange Intended and Suggested Route
Tactical Route Exchange Anders Brodje, PhLic Swedish Maritime Administration