Preparing for Assessment 1
Preparing Students for the Assessment Test What is Assessment? How the Assessment test works? How to help students prepare?
WHAT IS ASSESSMENT? The Accuplacer assessment measures a student’s current skill level in English, Reading and Mathematics. The test questions are multiple choice and “adaptive". The assessment test does not have a time limit. (Average test time takes about 1.5 hours but could take up to 3 hours.) Since the test is designed as a one time only test, we highly recommend students study before taking the test. 3
Accuplacer Assessment Test 10/10 The Accuplacer assessment is separated into 2-sections: Math Section – Arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and percentages. (17 questions) – Elementary Algebra: algebraic expressions, graphs, factoring, and ratios. (12 questions) – College Level Math: covers trigonometry and calculus. (20 questions) English Section – Reading Comprehension: read a passage and answer questions pertaining to that passage. (20 questions) – Sentence Skills: rearrange sentences to make them grammatically correct (20 questions)
How the Assessment test Works? English Section For a student to be placed into College Level English (English 101), the test system looks at the Sentence Skills and Reading Comprehension section to determine the student’s English placement. Possible score range is 20 to 120 Since the test is adaptive each question is weighted differently. The better the student does the harder the questions the higher the overall score. Reading Comprehension = RC / Sentence Skills=SS
How the Assessment test Works? 6 Math Section Before starting the test the student will answer a background question asking if they have had algebra before and received a “C” or better. If they answer Yes… If they answer No… There are two ways to place into college level math 1.Algebra score of or higher 2.College level math section score of 61.5 to Reminder score range is from 20 to 120
Steps to Preparing Online Video Steps for Students – Step One: Be Mentally Prepared – Step Two: Be Physically Prepared – Step Three: Take your Time – Step Four: Relax 10/10
Mt. San Jacinto College Assessment Center Website 10/10 Review materials are available at:
The app provides interactive sample questions on the following ACCUPLACER tests: Arithmetic, Elementary Algebra, College-Level Math, Reading Comprehension and Sentence Skills. Official ACCUPLACER iPhone App 12/12 Mt. San Jacinto College does not endorse or require you to purchase any of the sponsor's products.
Accuplacer official web-based study app features practice tests in Arithmetic, Elementary Algebra, College-Level Math, Reading Comprehension and Sentence Skills. You can access the app at any computer and familiarize yourself with the basic content areas of ACCUPLACER tests. Coming Early /12 Mt. San Jacinto College does not endorse or require you to purchase any of the sponsor's products.
Assessment Locations 10/10 San Jacinto Campus Building 1200, Room N. State St. San Jacinto, CA (951) Temecula Education Complex and Enterprise Circle West Temecula, CA (951) Menifee Valley Campus Room La Piedra Rd. Menifee, CA (951) San Gorgonio Pass Campus 3144 W. Westward Ave. Banning, CA (951)