PENDEKATAN EFISIENSI PEMASARAN Untuk mengukur market performance (penampilan pasar) Zainal Abidin, S.Pi, MP, M.BA PERTEMUAN ke-4. Lanjutan Bab 2. Beberapa pendekatan untuk menganalisis permasalahan dalam pemasaran
I. Marketing Margin
Contoh Menghitung Marketing Margin, etc: =(7297/ )*100 Marketing Margin merupakan Marketing Cost + Profit Sehingga, Jika marketing Margin = 38,376; Marketing cost Share = 6,178; maka Profit share = 38,376 – 6,178= 32,198 Marketing Cost Share = (marketing cost /retail price) x 100
The Effect of Marketing Cost on Selling Price
Margin Price
II. Marketing Efficiency Analysis 1. The Sherpherd’s formular for marketing efficiency is given as:
2. The Sherpherd’-Futrel method for marketing efficiency is given as:
The influence of socio-economic factors on catfish marketing income The multiple regression model employed to examine the influence of socio-economic factors on catfish marketing income was implicitly defined as: Marketing Income (MKI) = f (GEN + AGE + MAS +EDU + EXP + ACC + COM + HOS) Where: GEN = marketers’ gender (Dummy: male=1; female=0) AGE = marketers ’age in years MAS = marketers’ marital status (Dummy: married=1; otherwise=0) EDU = marketers’ education (years of schooling obtained). EXP = marketers’ experience (years already spent in the business) ACC = access to credit (Dummy: accessed credit=1; otherwise=0) COM = cost of maketing in Naira (N) (note: $1= N145) HOS = household size (number of persons in the household).
A case study: Vertical Cooperation and marketing efficiency in the aquaculture products marketing chain: a national perspective from Vietnam