The first African to come to the Americas is believed to be Juan Canaries, who was a free black crew member on Columbus’s first voyage to the New World in 1492.The first African to come to the Americas is believed to be Juan Canaries, who was a free black crew member on Columbus’s first voyage to the New World in We now know that Africans probably participated in most Spanish explorations and military expeditions to America from Spain.We now know that Africans probably participated in most Spanish explorations and military expeditions to America from Spain.
Africans sailed on Spanish ships because they had lived in Spain for over 700 years before Columbus’ voyage to the New World.Africans sailed on Spanish ships because they had lived in Spain for over 700 years before Columbus’ voyage to the New World. They came to Spain as slaves with Islamic forces who invaded Spain in the 8th century.They came to Spain as slaves with Islamic forces who invaded Spain in the 8th century. Slavery was not the same in all societies: In some places slaves were freed after several years and became regular citizens and in other societies slavery could last a lifetime.Slavery was not the same in all societies: In some places slaves were freed after several years and became regular citizens and in other societies slavery could last a lifetime.
Many African slaves in Spain were household servants, worked in port cities or other trades.Many African slaves in Spain were household servants, worked in port cities or other trades. By law and tradition slaves living in Spain were entitled to more rights and protections than slaves in most other countries.By law and tradition slaves living in Spain were entitled to more rights and protections than slaves in most other countries.
Some Spanish explorers had both free and slaves on board their ship. Most brought their servants with them.Some Spanish explorers had both free and slaves on board their ship. Most brought their servants with them. Many were able to purchase their own freedom by their work.Many were able to purchase their own freedom by their work.
AFRICANS ACCOMPANY SPANISH EXPLORERS Lucas Vazquez who landed on Georgia’s coast in 1526 had African slaves with him and they help build the settlement.Lucas Vazquez who landed on Georgia’s coast in 1526 had African slaves with him and they help build the settlement. After his death though the African slaves staged a revolt and escaped to live with the Guale Indians. It was the first slave rebellion in American history.After his death though the African slaves staged a revolt and escaped to live with the Guale Indians. It was the first slave rebellion in American history. The next time Africans came to Georgia was in 1540 with Hernando de Soto’s exploration of the Southeast.The next time Africans came to Georgia was in 1540 with Hernando de Soto’s exploration of the Southeast.
Many of his men brought their own personal slaves with them and some of them escaped to live with the Indians.Many of his men brought their own personal slaves with them and some of them escaped to live with the Indians. John Biscayan and man named Gomez were two such Africans and another was known as Robles was disabled and left behind at the Indian town of Coosa in Present day Gordon County in Northwest Georgia.John Biscayan and man named Gomez were two such Africans and another was known as Robles was disabled and left behind at the Indian town of Coosa in Present day Gordon County in Northwest Georgia.
Spain’s first settlement in North America was St. Augustine and as many as 50 African slaves help build it.Spain’s first settlement in North America was St. Augustine and as many as 50 African slaves help build it. Some would be trained to become soldiers to staff different garrisons north of St. Augustine over time.Some would be trained to become soldiers to staff different garrisons north of St. Augustine over time. After 1685 when Spain withdrew from Georgia, Spanish officials began openly encouraging slaves in England’s colonies to escape.After 1685 when Spain withdrew from Georgia, Spanish officials began openly encouraging slaves in England’s colonies to escape.
They offered freedom and land to all who converted to Catholicism.They offered freedom and land to all who converted to Catholicism. Many would risk their lives escaping to Florida.Many would risk their lives escaping to Florida. Once there some would eventually form a Spanish military unit called the Black Militia and they would build Fort Mose north of St. Augustine.Once there some would eventually form a Spanish military unit called the Black Militia and they would build Fort Mose north of St. Augustine. Thus Florida began a tradition of serving as a sanctuary for escaped slaves.Thus Florida began a tradition of serving as a sanctuary for escaped slaves.