Les Vêtements de Sport
Les Jeux Olympiques “Citius, Altius, Fortius” “Faster, Higher, Stronger”
Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson, I will be able to: Identify and understand newly learnt vocabulary in a text and apply it in my own writing at sentence level HOW? By drawing on my understanding of cognates, sounds, and language in context. Demonstrate that I can work effectively as part of a team HOW? By communicating and cooperating well in a group activity.
Blue Black Red White Bleu Noir Rouge Blanc
Un t-shirt Une jupe Des chaussettes
Un maillot de bain Un bonnet de bain
Un t-shirt Un short Des chaussettes
Un pantalon Un chapeauUne veste Des gants
Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson, I will be able to: Identify and understand newly learnt vocabulary in a text and apply it in my own writing at sentence level HOW? By drawing on my understanding of cognates, sounds, and language in context. Demonstrate that I can work effectively as part of a team HOW? By communicating and cooperating well in a group activity.
Pour faire du sport… Je porte un maillot de bain bleu I wear a blue swimming costume
Pour faire du sport… Je porte un t-shirt bleu
Pour faire du sport… Je porte un t-shirt rose et une jupe noire
Pour faire du sport… Je porte un t-shirt rouge et un pantalon blanc
Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson, I will be able to: Identify and understand newly learnt vocabulary in a text and apply it in my own writing at sentence level HOW? By drawing on my understanding of cognates, sounds, and language in context. Demonstrate that I can work effectively as part of a team HOW? By communicating and cooperating well in a group activity.
Reflect… Two things you did well as a team One thing you could have done better
Pour faire du sport…
Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson, I will be able to: Identify and understand newly learnt vocabulary in a text and apply it in my own writing at sentence level HOW? By drawing on my understanding of cognates, sounds, and language in context. Demonstrate that I can work effectively as part of a team HOW? By communicating and cooperating well in a group activity.