TEMPUS SCM Form N. C032B06 West Balkan Bologna Promoters Network Podgorica September, 2007
St. Kliment Ohridski University Bul. 1. Maj bb 7000 Bitola Tel.: +389(0) , Faks: +389(0) Web page: ABOUT the UNIVERSITY
Was founded in 1979 with its seat in Bitola and institutions located in Bitola, Ohrid and Prilep. Today, the St. Kliment Ohridski University represents an association of 10 institutions: Faculty of Technical Sciences - Bitola; Faculty of Economics - Prilep; Faculty of Tourism and Catering - Ohrid; Faculty for Teachers and Preschool Trainers - Bitola; Faculty of Biotechnical Sciences - Bitola; Police academy, Higher Medical School - Bitola; Tobacco Institute - Prilep; Hydro-Biological Institute-Ohrid; Institute for Old Slavic Culture - Prilep; students are enrolled in the education process 27 study programs, 13 post-graduate study programs 30 incoming mobilities, 12 outgoing mobilities 349 academic staff; 53 research staff, ABOUT the UNIVERSITY
Priority for Macedonian Universities is to prepare the high education institutions for an active role in establishment of an European High Education Area Bologna Declaration signed by Macedonian authorities in Berlin in September 2003 Objectives of the Bologna declaration accepted - The adoption of a common framework of a readable and comparable degrees – implementation of Diploma Supplement - introduction of undergraduate and postgraduate levels in all countries, with first degrees no shorter than 3 years and relevant to the labour market; (4+1+3) cycle education system – new high education low EDUCATION PROCESS (4+1+3)
EDUCATION PROCESS (4+1+3) A good course description and credit allocation in Macedonian and in English (for few courses) version has been prepared. The proposed curriculum changes for increasing efficiency are: - decreasing the number of semesters from 9 to 8 or 6 - all the courses are one semester courses - decreasing the number of lectures and exercises/week - continuous engagement of students - 60 credits per study year, total 240 (180) credits to get a diploma - 4 to 8 credits per course - introducing optional subjects - introducing more than one foreign languages
A process of implementation of ECTS has already started in the framework of a Tempus project (UM_JEP ), as a pilot project at the Traffic and Transport engineering department at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Bitola. ECTS is supposed to be extended to all high institutions in Macedonia up to the end of In this respect complete establishment of the ECTS as a tool for measuring and comparing learning achievements and transferring them from one institution to another, is a priority for all Macedonian Universities. Complete implementation of ECTS will enable the Lifelong learning EDUCATION PROCESS ECTS
EDUCATION PROCESS A European dimension of quality assurance with comparable criteria and methods – a guidelines for upgrading the system of quality assurance at the University at national, and international level (SCM C022A ) Mobility of students – elimination of remaining obstacles to the free mobility of students, academic and administrative staff. Exchange of best practices through cooperation with relevant institutions on - national level - international level European dimension of the higher education
RESEARCH at the University Restricted budget from MoSE for research activities approximately 3-5 projects/year are funded Only few projects/year are funded by industry enterprises Solution: get involved in international research progranmmes - FP6 and FP7 - The 6th and 7 th Framework Programme of the European Union (2 realized projects) - Cross border cooperation with neighboring countries INTERREG III A programme (4 ongoing projects) - Bilateral cooperation with foreign institutions - Participation on research conferences, seminars, summer academies
APPLIED RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN BIOENGINEERING Rehabilitation exoskeleton device for walking Exoskeleton as man power amplifying system
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION International programmes - TEMPUS Program (EU) - DAAD – Germany - Fullbright Program (USA) - Fund Institute “Open Society” Cooperation with more than 30 European and other international Universities - Universities from former Yugoslavia - Universities from neighboring countries, - Universities from EU, - Other universities Membership in few international associations
CONCLUSION The exposure to an EU and international environment through cooperation with the universities helped us to apply new teaching and research methods The concept of the Higher education at University St. Kliment Ohridski has been changed rapidly in the last few years after getting involved in international programmes The course of the our institution in the enlarged Europe will be traceable and in due course the institution will be able to become an active partner of the EU high education strategy