Let’s play… Vocab & Spelling Basketball!
DEF: Suspicious of others’ motives POS? Adjective Trick? If you sin, others might be suspicious cynical
DEF: Unnecessary or more than enough POS: Adj Trick: Super means more…or surplus superfluous
DEF: An inscription on a tomb, serves as a memorial to the dead POS? Noun Trick? If you live an epic life, you would have a good epitaph epitaph
DEF: very thin, bony POS? Adjec tive Trick ? Your great aunt might be really old and skinny gaunt
DEF: filled with joy POS? Adj Trick? jubilant Jubilant and joy both start with j
DEF: excessively proud or arrogant POS? Adjectiv e Trick ? If you’re a hottie, you might be haughty haughty
DEF: wide open POS?Adjective Trick? Gap means wide open agape
POS? DEF: disrespectful or rude Adj. Trick? pude sounds like rude impudent
DEF: ridiculous, ludicrous POS? preposterous Adjective Trick? A pre poster sale might be ridiculous or crazy!
DEF: upset, irritated POS: miffed Adj. Trick? If you muff a punt, you might be miffed
DEF: wide open POS?Adjective Trick? Gap means wide open agape
DEF: ridiculous, ludicrous POS? preposterous Adjective Trick? A pre poster sale might be ridiculous or crazy!
POS? DEF: disrespectful or rude Adj. Trick? pude sounds like rude impudent
DEF: excessively proud or arrogant POS? Adjectiv e Trick ? If you’re a hottie, you might be haughty haughty
DEF: filled with joy POS? Adj Trick? jubilant Jubilant and joy both start with j
DEF: upset, irritated POS: miffed Adj. Trick? If you muff a punt, you might be miffed
DEF: very thin, bony POS? Adjec tive Trick ? Your great aunt might be really old and skinny gaunt
DEF: An inscription on a tomb, serves as a memorial to the dead POS? Noun Trick? If you live an epic life, you would have a good epitaph epitaph
DEF: Unnecessary or more than enough POS: Adj Trick: Super means more…or surplus superfluous
DEF: Suspicious of others’ motives POS? Adjective Trick? If you sin, others might be suspicious cynical
“Good Luck on your test tomorrow!” “Study some more tonight!” “You can do it!!!” “Go for an A+!!!” -Mrs. Duncan