SEAHAWKS TALON-TEDS ClassroomLunch AreaPassing PeriodsBefore/After School Blacktop/FieldsRestroomsAll Settings Be Ready Be on time and be prepared Have planner and supplies ready Walk to lunch area and lines Have money and I.D. ready Have your order ready Be prompt Go directly to destination Arrive on time Leave campus promptly after school Be attentive to all staff on duty Stop playing when bell rings Be aware of time Use in a timely manner during passing periods, break, and lunch Plan ahead Bring only appropriate school items/materials Be Respectful Follow all directions and procedures Respect rights of others to learn Practice good manners Follow all directions Pass/walk on right Be mindful of others on stairs Walk carefully with other students Respect neighbor’s property Play appropriately Be mindful of games in progress Respect teacher permission Respect school and other’s rights and property Keep campus clean Be Responsible Complete work/assignments on time Use Agenda Planner daily Eat/drink in assigned areas only Clean up after yourself Use restroom Finish your food /drink before entering buildings Obey traffic laws Use bike locks/helmets Keep food/drink out of these areas Look out for others Keep clean Keep restrooms clean Use proper hygiene Observe all school rules and policies Wear appropriate attire School-Wide Behavior Expectations
Be ReadyArrive to class each day on time. Follow the arrival expectations of each teacher. Be RespectfulFollow classroom routines. To avoid gossiping, when giving examples of things that have happened to you, rather than saying names of others, say “ Someone I know …” Be ResponsibleUse what you learn! Practice what you learn when you are outside the classroom.
Positive Expectation: Location:Example:Non Example: Be ReadyLunchHave your own money/ card ready Seeking attention/ talking Be RespectfulCommon Areas/ Hallways Be aware of personal space Shouting/ running/ shoving Be ResponsibleRestroomCleaning up after yourself Leaving a mess
A Special Thanks to the ASB Actors! Becca Fast Payton Tate Hannah Tobin Mitch DeBoskey Cassie Sheek Jacklyn Thompson Wes Lynd Chad Nelson Tyler Collins Aidan Sathoff Emma Mondello Hannah Tobin
To USENot To USE: Carla teases Julia and calls here an inappropriate name. Tanya tells Jack to hurry up at the water fountain and then apologizes. Joey tackles Jose while playing two-hand touch football. Mike accidentally breaks the double-dribble rule in basketball Sam pokes Nancy in the back over and over while in the lunch line. Nancy accidentally bumps into Joey in the hallway, dropping all of Joey’s things
To USENot to USE: Julia says STOP. The next day Carla continues to tease Julia. Julia says stop. Carla apologizes. Jose says STOP. Joey mimics Jose: “ Stop, look at me I ’ m a little baby! ” Joey tells Jose that someone pushed him and that he is sorry. After school, Sam continues to poke Nancy, even after Nancy has said STOP. Nancy says stop, and Sam says: “ You ’ re right; I ’ m not being nice ”
Scenario: Maria says something rude to Sandra.
Scenario: Maria says something rude to Sandra. Scenario: Joey steals the ball from Sam.
Scenario: Maria says something rude to Sandra. Scenario: Joey steals the ball from Sam. Scenario: Robert pushes Carlos.
…even when you don’t think you did anything wrong….even if you think the other student is just trying to get you in trouble…. when someone else uses the STOP WALK TALK
Scenario: Maria says something rude to Sandra.
Scenario: Maria says something rude to Sandra. Scenario: Joey steals the ball from Sam.
Scenario: Maria says something rude to Sandra. Scenario: Joey steals the ball from Sam. Scenario: Robert pushes Carlos.
NOT Being Respectful Telling a negative story about someone else, regardless of whether it is true or not. Sharing secrets that someone told you Blaming negative behavior on someone else Being Respectful Saying nice things about other students Being Kind means encouraging others and making them feel good even when they are not present. Definition – conversation about personal matters: conversation about the personal details of other people’s lives, whether rumor or fact, especially when malicious.
Often, those that use inappropriate remarks do not recognize that they are being disrespectful. Sometimes this means discussing why certain terms are inappropriate. Any time we use one of these terms to put someone down, not only are we being unkind to that person, we are also connecting a negative connotation to the word we use, which is very disrespectful to women, people with mental retardation, and people who are gay. NOT Being Respectful or Kind to other students Calling someone “gay” in an effort to put them down. Calling someone “girly” in an effort to put them down. Calling someone “retarded in an effort to put them down. What school-wide rules have to do with inappropriate remarks? Being Respectful: saying only nice things about other students Being Kind: means encouraging others and making them feel good
Definition: Hitting, pushing, shoving, kicking, biting, poking and other forms of physical aggression. Taking money or other belongings. Threatening to do bodily harm or share information with others. EXAMPLES: NONEXAMPLES:
What do school-wide rules have to do with text messaging, s, and other digital technologies? Being Kind and Respectful means saying only nice things about other students, in your words as well as in your use of digital media. NOT being respectful or kind to other students: Repeatedly sending offensive, rude, or insulting s and text messages Posting cruel gossip or rumors about a person to damage his or her reputation or friendships Sharing someone’s secrets online