able to use both hands equally well ambidextrous
ridicule, mock, jeer gibe
bereaved; made unhappy because of loss bereft
inkling, indication, clue, hint intimation
bleak, gloomy dour
steadfastness, resolve fortitude
gawk, ogle; to open the mouth gape
restate, repeat reiterate
costume, mask guise
cunning, intended to deceive, treacherous insidious
contaminate, sully, to corrupt adulterate
inconclusive, uncertain tentative
word for word verbatim
rich, abundant, lavish opulent
impassive, unresponsive, phlegmatic stolid
enlarge, amplify, increase augment
sloppy, disheveled; rude unkempt
station, organize, to arrange deploy
carefully, cautiously warily
able to use both hands equally well ambidextrous
resilient, flexible; easily influenced pliable
enlarge, amplify, increase augment
bereaved; made unhappy because of loss bereft
station, organize, to arrange deploy
enlarge, amplify, increase augment
contaminate, sully, to corrupt adulterate
able to use both hands equally well ambidextrous
bereaved; made unhappy because of loss bereft
station, organize, to arrange deploy
able to use both hands equally well ambidextrous
steadfastness, resolve fortitude
bleak, gloomy dour
costume, mask guise
gawk, ogle; to open the mouth gape
ridicule, mock, jeer gibe
cunning, intended to deceive, treacherous insidious
rich, abundant, lavish opulent
inkling, indication, clue, hint intimation
restate, repeat reiterate
impassive, unresponsive, phlegmatic stolid
word for word verbatim
inconclusive, uncertain tentative
sloppy, disheveled; rude unkempt
carefully, cautiously warily
enlarge, amplify, increase augment
station, organize, to arrange deploy
bereaved; made unhappy because of loss bereft
resilient, flexible; easily influenced pliable
able to use both hands equally well ambidextrous
ridicule, mock, jeer gibe
bereaved; made unhappy because of loss bereft
inkling, indication, clue, hint intimation
bleak, gloomy dour
steadfastness, resolve fortitude
gawk, ogle; to open the mouth gape
restate, repeat reiterate
costume, mask guise
cunning, intended to deceive, treacherous insidious
contaminate, sully, to corrupt adulterate
inconclusive, uncertain tentative
word for word verbatim
impassive, unresponsive, phlegmatic stolid
rich, abundant, lavish opulent
sloppy, disheveled; rude unkempt
enlarge, amplify, increase augment
carefully, cautiously warily
station, organize, to arrange deploy
able to use both hands equally well ambidextrous
enlarge, amplify, increase augment
resilient, flexible; easily influenced pliable
bereaved; made unhappy because of loss bereft
enlarge, amplify, increase augment
station, organize, to arrange deploy
contaminate, sully, to corrupt adulterate
able to use both hands equally well ambidextrous
bereaved; made unhappy because of loss bereft
station, organize, to arrange deploy
able to use both hands equally well ambidextrous
ridicule, mock, jeer gibe
steadfastness, resolve fortitude
bleak, gloomy dour
costume, mask guise
cunning, intended to deceive, treacherous insidious
gawk, ogle; to open the mouth gape
rich, abundant, lavish opulent
inkling, indication, clue, hint intimation
restate, repeat reiterate
impassive, unresponsive, phlegmatic stolid
able to use both hands equally well ambidextrous
word for word verbatim
inconclusive, uncertain tentative
sloppy, disheveled; rude unkempt
carefully, cautiously warily
enlarge, amplify, increase augment
station, organize, to arrange deploy
bereaved; made unhappy because of loss bereft
resilient, flexible; easily influenced pliable
able to use both hands equally well ambidextrous
ridicule, mock, jeer gibe
bereaved; made unhappy because of loss bereft
inkling, indication, clue, hint intimation
bleak, gloomy dour
steadfastness, resolve fortitude
gawk, ogle; to open the mouth gape
restate, repeat reiterate
costume, mask guise
cunning, intended to deceive, treacherous insidious
contaminate, sully, to corrupt adulterate
inconclusive, uncertain tentative
word for word verbatim
rich, abundant, lavish opulent
impassive, unresponsive, phlegmatic stolid
enlarge, amplify, increase augment
sloppy, disheveled; rude unkempt
station, organize, to arrange deploy
carefully, cautiously warily
able to use both hands equally well ambidextrous
resilient, flexible; easily influenced pliable
enlarge, amplify, increase augment
bereaved; made unhappy because of loss bereft
station, organize, to arrange deploy
enlarge, amplify, increase augment
contaminate, sully, to corrupt adulterate
bereaved; made unhappy because of loss bereft
station, organize, to arrange deploy
able to use both hands equally well ambidextrous
costume, mask guise
steadfastness, resolve fortitude
bleak, gloomy dour
gawk, ogle; to open the mouth gape
cunning, intended to deceive, treacherous insidious
ridicule, mock, jeer gibe
rich, abundant, lavish opulent
impassive, unresponsive, phlegmatic stolid
inkling, indication, clue, hint intimation
restate, repeat reiterate
inconclusive, uncertain tentative
word for word verbatim
sloppy, disheveled; rude unkempt
carefully, cautiously warily
station, organize, to arrange deploy
enlarge, amplify, increase augment
resilient, flexible; easily influenced pliable
bereaved; made unhappy because of loss bereft
able to use both hands equally well ambidextrous
ridicule, mock, jeer gibe
inkling, indication, clue, hint intimation
bereaved; made unhappy because of loss bereft
steadfastness, resolve fortitude
bleak, gloomy dour
gawk, ogle; to open the mouth gape
restate, repeat reiterate
costume, mask guise
cunning, intended to deceive, treacherous insidious
word for word verbatim
inconclusive, uncertain tentative
rich, abundant, lavish opulent
enlarge, amplify, increase augment
impassive, unresponsive, phlegmatic stolid
contaminate, sully, to corrupt adulterate
sloppy, disheveled; rude unkempt
station, organize, to arrange deploy
carefully, cautiously warily
enlarge, amplify, increase augment
resilient, flexible; easily influenced pliable
able to use both hands equally well ambidextrous
bereaved; made unhappy because of loss bereft
station, organize, to arrange deploy
contaminate, sully, to corrupt adulterate
enlarge, amplify, increase augment
able to use both hands equally well ambidextrous
bereaved; made unhappy because of loss bereft
station, organize, to arrange deploy
able to use both hands equally well ambidextrous
costume, mask guise
steadfastness, resolve fortitude
bleak, gloomy dour
gawk, ogle; to open the mouth gape
rich, abundant, lavish opulent
ridicule, mock, jeer gibe
cunning, intended to deceive, treacherous insidious
inkling, indication, clue, hint intimation
restate, repeat reiterate
impassive, unresponsive, phlegmatic stolid
inconclusive, uncertain tentative
word for word verbatim
sloppy, disheveled; rude unkempt
carefully, cautiously warily
station, organize, to arrange deploy
enlarge, amplify, increase augment
bereaved; made unhappy because of loss bereft
resilient, flexible; easily influenced pliable