Text: 1 Samuel 25:2-38 4/28/20151
Ancient Society Did Not Properly Esteem Women Wives were purchased Wives were kidnapped Wives were given as prizes Wives were used in idol worship Women could not inherit property (Ref. Num. 27) The disciples marveled that Jesus would speak to a woman. (John 4:27) 4/28/20152
The Bible Taught Proper Respect for Women Father and Mother are to be honored (Ex. 20:12; Deut. 27:16) Jesus surrounded himself with godly women (Luke 8:3) Godly women were with our Lord at Calvary (John 19:25) An excellent wife is the crown of her husband (Prov. 12:4) 4/28/20153
Text: 1 Samuel 25:2-38 4/28/20154
Abigail Intelligent Lit. of good understanding She was wise, prudent, and perceptive Beautiful in appearance Beautiful: To be fair, comely, beautiful Appearance: handsome in form, beauty. Beautiful inside and out 1 Sam. 16:7; 1 Peter 3:3-4; 4/28/20155
Nabal Harsh—qaseh—to be hard, harsh, severe, to be hard, difficult, firm, unyielding, stiff necked, hard-hearted, stubborn, obstinate. Evil in his doings—habitual action. Calebite—means dog like, or shameless, character of a man 4/28/20156
Applications from Abigail Abigail illustrates the pain in poor mate selection It may not be a sin to marry an unbeliever, but it is unwise. Marry a believer not just a “pew warmer” Abigail’s plight was due to her marriage to Nabal Nabal was harsh and evil (v. 4) Nabal was rude and offensive (v ) Nabal was worthless and unapproachable (vv ) Nabal was a man of folly (v. 25) 4/28/20157
Abigail Illustrates What Happens When Men Fail to Lead in the Home The New Testament Teaches Male Spiritual Leadership in the Home: God wants men to lead (Gen. 18:19) Wives are to submit (Eph. 5:22; Col. 3:18) Wives are to respect their husbands (Eph. 5:33) Fathers are to teach and train their children (Eph. 6:1-4) 4/28/20158
Abigail Illustrates What Happens When Men Fail to Lead in the Home Due to Nabal’s lack of spirituality Abigail had to take the lead in her home. The servants looked to Abigail in time of crisis (vv ) Abigail prepared provision for the salvation of her home (vv ) Abigail plead with, admonished and encouraged David (vv ) 4/28/20159 Abigail illustrates that it is possible for a godly women to fulfill her role in the home (Eph. 5:22) and exercise great influence and leadership in her home (ref. Acts 5:29; Acts 16:1-2; 2 Tim. 1:5)
Abigail Was Placed in an Unenviable Situation She made a major decision concerning the welfare of her household without consulting her husband. (vv ) Godly women today are put in unenviable situations: When husbands will not fulfill their roles in the home When husbands bring strong drink into the home When husbands refuse to allow hospitality to be practiced in their home 4/28/201510
Abigail Loved Her Husband Unconditionally “ But he does not love me!” God commands wives to love their husbands (Titus 2:4-5) Nabal was hard to love: He was harsh and evil (v.4) He was rude and offensive (vv ) He worthless and unapproachable (vv ) He was a man of folly (v. 25) Abigail came to terms with her husband’s character (vv ), and she still acted in his best interest. It is women like Abigail who will have the best opportunity to convert their unbelieving husband. (1 Pet. 3:1-2) 4/28/201511
Abigail Admonished and Encouraged David to Continue in Godly Behavior David was a good man. (Ref. Acts 13:22) David was overreacting. (1 Sam. 25:28-31) Do not shed blood without cause (31) This will cause you grief later (31) 4/28/ This is the type of person that you need to marry! One who will love you unconditionally. One who will encourage, admonish and even rebuke you when needed. Marry an Abigail not a Nabal!
Abigail Illustrates that Godly Women Are Worthy of Praise David praises God for Abigail (v. 32) David praises Abigail for her judgment (v.33) David praises Abigail (v.33) 4/28/201513
Today Is Mother’s Day Have you praised the worthy women in your life? Women who are willing to exercise a spiritual influence for good when no one else will. Women who are sometimes put in unenviable situations because of their husband’s shortcomings. Women who love unconditionally. Women who encourage, admonish and rebuke. These are worthy of praise! (Prov. 31:10, 30-31) 4/28/201514