HR LegislationHR Legislation Trends in Healthcare WorkforceTrends in Healthcare Workforce Strategic Goals of HR ManagementStrategic Goals of HR Management Human Resource Management
HR Legislation Equal employment opportunity (EEO)Equal employment opportunity (EEO) –Civil Rights Act of 1964 –Pay given to men and women –Discrimination based on race, religion, national origin and sex –Age discrimination (1967) –Handicapped discrimination (1973), ADA (1990) –Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
Discrimination Remedies Discrimination Remedies Back payBack pay Affirmative actionAffirmative action –Use of goals, timetables, or other methods in recruiting –To promote the hiring, development, and retention of "protected groups.”
Trends in Healthcare Workforce Multiskilled employeesMultiskilled employees TeamsTeams Diverse workforceDiverse workforce Physician unionizationPhysician unionization
Strategic Goals of Human Resource Management (HRM) Strategic Goals of Human Resource Management (HRM) Attract an effective work force Attract an effective work force Develop work force to its potentialDevelop work force to its potential Maintain the work force.Maintain the work force.
Recruiting Internal recruitingInternal recruiting External RecruitingExternal Recruiting Realistic Job Preview (RJP)Realistic Job Preview (RJP) Legal Considerations in RecruitingLegal Considerations in Recruiting
Selection Job descriptionsJob descriptions Selection DevicesSelection Devices
Training and Development On-the-job training (OJT)On-the-job training (OJT) OrientationOrientation Classroom trainingClassroom training Programmed and computer-assisted instructionProgrammed and computer-assisted instruction Conference and case discussion groups.Conference and case discussion groups.
Promotion From Within Job PostingJob Posting Employee Resource Chart.Employee Resource Chart.
Performance Appraisal Performance Appraisal 360-degree Feedback360-degree Feedback Halo errorHalo error HomogeneityHomogeneity Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS).Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS).
BARS Oustanding 5 If customer has defective merchandise, will arrange for repairs 4 Shares complete information on return policies 3 Will remember to say “shop again with us” 2 Delay customer without explanation 1 Be rude and disrepectful Unsatisfactory
Compensation Fit company strategyFit company strategy Pay-for-performance systemsPay-for-performance systems To maintain employee morale.To maintain employee morale.
Compensation Equity Job Evaluation = Worth of jobsJob Evaluation = Worth of jobs Internal equityInternal equity Wage and Salary StructureWage and Salary Structure Point systemPoint system
Pay-Trend Line Survey Pay Rates Job Evaluation Points Pay-trend line
External Pay Equity Competitive market pay ratesCompetitive market pay rates Pay surveysPay surveys Consulting firmsConsulting firms U.S. Bureau of Labor StatisticsU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Trade associations.Trade associations.
Benefits 1/3 to 2/3 of labor costs1/3 to 2/3 of labor costs Sensitive to changes in employee life stylesSensitive to changes in employee life styles Cafeteria-style benefit packages.Cafeteria-style benefit packages.
Termination Poor performers can be dismissedPoor performers can be dismissed Use exit interviewsUse exit interviews Transition for departing employees.Transition for departing employees.